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  • A critical look at the Chinese martial arts

    circulation of ch'i, or breath, rather thancombat skills. [1] The idea of kung-fu has a more convoluted ...should I talk to [mere] soldiers?" [5] This same Chang Fei who had been scorned as a mere soldier in...

    Charles Holcombe


  • The Place of the Aryasatyas and Pratitya Sam Utpada

    essencelessness of all constituted things (Pudgala-sunyata) i.e. the absence of any permanently ...is aharasamudaya, i. e. ahara comes into existence on account of tanha(5). The third truth is...

    Dr. Nalinaksha Dutt,


  • Valentinian Gnosticism and Classical Saa.mkhya

    gold in mud" (Adv. Haer. I.6.2), and it serves as a striking portrayal of this (spiritual) essence from...discrimination allows the puru.sa to say, "'I have seen (her)'" and prak.rti (as buddhi) to say to herself "...

    Stephen A. Kent


  • Vasubandhu and the Vadavidhi

    , No.I, 1929, pp.81-86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------...the question in the light of new facts, I am inclined to believe that the theory of Dr. ...

    H.R. Rangaswamy Iyengar


  • Zen and Pragmatism

    transcendent. I The dispute is, perhaps, about that subtle aspect of truth which is not so much a ... 700 to 1100, the historical approach would appear indispensable; and Suzuki admits: "I have to be a...

    Van Meter Ames


  • Opportunities and Challenges for Buddhis

    new institutions are being born. In this connection I would like to mention that I myself have ...Peace & Prosperity. (DIBRIP&P). I have already started a Trust in Sri Lanka under the Government...

    Ven. Bhante K. Dhamm


  • A harmonious World Begins in the Mind A

    Conditions Firstly I would like to offer greetings and respect to the distinguished members of...committees. I like to thank the organizers for inviting me to participate in this conference, at such a ...



  • A harmonious World Begins in the Mind A

    Conditions Firstly I would like to offer greetings and respect to the distinguished members of, both the panel and the audience, and other eminent members of the honorary and organizing committees. I...



  • 可不可以抽烟?——宣化上人

    ” “这… 这 … I don’t know. 我不知道。” 我拿一个棍子照他头就“啪”打一下,“你知不知这是什么?你觉不觉得痛?” “觉得痛。” “你觉得痛,为什么你要讲大话?” ...



  • 美北密歇根州教区牧师因进行佛教禅修不能成为主教

    from bishops and standing committees to be consecrated. His election was thus "null and void." "I ...


