other space and time is an approximation to or perversion of the real space and time in which it lives. (Lewis Mumford)
What is the "real space and time" in which our culture lives? A hundred years ...
David R. Loy
), which occur in numerous places in the Sutta Pi.taka, is the quantity of learned discussion that ...succeeded in fitting them tidily into the conventional schema of philosophical classification. Does ...
Richard H. Robinson
of David Hume (1711-1776), the par excellence philosopher of empiricism in the west, and an ...especially Vij~naanavaada in India, Wei-shih in China, and Hoss(-+o) in Japan). Professors Saunders, ...
L. Stafford Betty
philosophy. To expose and expound this idea in the context of the discourse on emotion in the West ...emotions be designated as Kle`sa? What is the place of emotion in Yoga ethics and soteriology? How are ...
Anindita N. Balsev
the country formerly known as Tibet. Further, Lamaistic Buddhism in its foreign habitat has come to include many variations not found in the parent nation. Alice Getty's term "Northern Buddhism," ...
William S. Weedon
government in exile for over 30 years,ignited the dispute last week when he announced the boy, Gedhun ... who died in 1989 and whosespirit is believed to be reincarnated in a child, stayed behind when ...
Sheila, Tefft
compassionate and sympathetic behavior should be offered to everybody in need, irrespective of ...community charity work. In this sense, our Buddha sets the best example. He was the most benevolent ...
Farlow in his recent evaluation of Professor Chung-ying Cheng's earlier paper, "On Zen Language and Zen Paradoxes.'' King-Farlow, in his paper, "Anglo-Saxon Questions for Chung-ying Cheng," (See Journal ...
John Tucker
researching a nineteenth century Siberian nationalist movement in Irkutsk, I was able to get away ...Buddhists, I wanted to see the seat of power of the Buriat Buddhists in Imperial Russia at ...
H. S. Hun4ley
The epistemological thinkers in India have generally adopted a causal approach to knowledge. Knowledge is taken to be an occurrence, an outcome of a particular causal complex (Karana samagri) in ...