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  • Enlightenmenr and Social Virtuosity in Chan Buddhism

    of lookingat our experience, in a way that is all too rare. ...

    peter D. Hershock.


  • Liberating oneself from the absolutized boundary of language

    of language is useful as an interpretive tool. For example, our understanding and analysis of the ...than our contemporaries, displayed their great wisdom and insight. Third, Chan Buddhism demonstrates a ...

    peter D. Hershock.


  • Maintaining ethno-religious harmony in Singapore

    races who constitute her citizens, and our citizens are equal regardless of ...secular society is an ideal espoused by many, it is a dire necessity for our ...

    Khun Eng Kuah


  • Moral education in Japan

    even add a crucifix or a statueof Our Lady to the set of religious symbols. Membership of a temple ... to Shinto such as for example, the phrase'Our Imperial Throne coeval with heaven and earth', are ...

    Klaus Luhmer


  • Mysticism without transcendence

    need for transcendence. It is only if we assume that our experience of the world must be indissolubly linked to conceptualization-which is our post-Kantian philosophical legacy, after all that mysticism ...

    Louis Nordstrom


  • Mrs. Rhys Davids Dialogue with Psychology

    into a fruitful dialogue with the thought of our age.   WHY HER WORK HAS BEEN IGNORED The ...processes. Unfortunately, or so it appears from our present perspective, Mrs.     p.52 Rhys ...

    Teresina Rowell Havens


  • Naagaarjuna and deconstruction

    simply that enlightenment shows us all the old states (including the states of our 'selves') as they...phenomenal world is created for us by our concepts, and our concepts by language, the world itself is ...

    Ian W. Mabbett


  • New Light on Buddhism in Medieval India

    forward only as a possibility. P.356 Our narrative is ...of 19(18 in our reckoning). If we are to believe the theory (see below, p.25) that...

    Waley, Arthur


  • Nirvana and other Buddhist Felicities

    to "the Buddhist perspective" for insight into our troubled times. Buddhism is not so simple, as ...

    Steven Collins


  • No Abode: The Record of Ippen

    contribution to our knowledge of Pure Land Buddhism. It consists of an excellent introduction (pp. 11-59...

    Hirota , Dennis

