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  • Buddhism and cognitivism: A postmodern appraisal

    origination and is in line with developments within Westernscience more generally. [24] Buddhism advances a ...Princeton University Press) 1967. See also pp. 24-29of Jung's preface to the revised edition of SUZUKI,...

    John Pickering


  • Buddhism and the definition of religion: One more time

    as an "atheistic religion" (e.g.,Cunningham et al. 1991:24-25; Schmidt 1988:10-11). While it might ...

    Williams Herbrechtsmeier


  • Buddhism in Huxleys Evolution and Ethics:

    having "seen deeper than the greatest of modern idealists,"(24) this particular ...

    Jacques Gernet


  • Buddhist approaches to abortion

    Taiwanare very similar in their attitudes towards sexual chastity [23]. Abortion in Japan [24] ...information than that contained Chow's article. [23] SACHS, 'Secrets', pp. 46-47. [24] MURAMATSU, MINORU '...

    R. E. Florida


  • Buddhist Evidence for the Early Existence of Drama

    century B.C." (24) It is significant though that Buddhaghosa equates the word to ...

    Wijesekera, O.H. De. A.


  • Buddhist functionalism--instrumentality reaffirmed

    function of the meditation . . .. [as] a device for achieving samadhi". [24] In a more subtle sense ...

    David, Scott


  • Buddhist Logic before Dinnaga

    no pain or impediment in the throat; (23) expressiveness of the voice; (24) ...

    professor guiseppe tucci


  • Buddhist spiritualitya compassionate perspective on hospice care

    counselling andrespite care. Nursing care is provided on a 24-hour, seven-days-a-weekbasis and ...

    Pam McGrath


  • Buddhist Views of Suicide and Euthanasia

    Vietnamese monks protesting against the Vietnam government.[24] Whether or not these stories are all ...Researches in Chinese Pure Land Buddhism) (Kyoto: Heirakuji, 1951), pp. 60ff. 24 Thich Nhat Hanh...

    Carl B. Becker


  • Causality As Soteriology

    something which is produced, butsomething which is independent of other things.(24) If anentity ... an "object" outside the language.45. Ibid.,XXV:24 ...

    Hsueh-Li Cheng

