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  • Sickness, healing, and religious vocation

    Buddhist practice (Tambiah 1970:337-40; Seneviratne andWickremeratne 1980:734-36). Ecstatic .... Their outlookand practice provide an important counterpoint to those of the lessconventional nuns ...

    Nirmala S. Salgado


  • Speech And Silence in Mumonkan

    specific ideas which have a correlative relation to Zen practice and define Zen as such...presented for use in meditation, and koan practice is productive of ...

    Philip Goodchild


  • Systems philosophy as a hermeneutic for Buddhist teachings

    perceived in Buddhist thought and at work in Buddhist practice; and (b) both ... practice of mindfulness in the Theravaadin tradition, and those of projection in the ...

    Joanna Rogers Macy


  • Ta-hui Tsung-kao and Kung-an Chan

    cases" (Ch. kung-an,[b] J. koan) in Ch'an meditation and opposed the practice of quiet-sitting, for he ...teachers of quiet-sitting heretical and referred to their Ch'an practice as the "heretical Ch'an of ...

    Chun-Fang Yu


  • The bodymind experience in Dogens Shobogenzo

    p. 18 justification of its prominent role in the history of Buddhist practice (...considered originally one, hence, the problem in Buddhist practice is to verify ...

    David E. Shaner


  • The Buddha and Wittgenstein: A brief philosophical exegesis

    eightcomponents. The illumination, that is the effect of practice of the ethicalnorms embedded, ... (a) the practice of virtuous life (ariyena silakkhandena samanna-gato);[14] (b) the restraint of ...



  • The Buddhistic Rule Against Eating Meat

    implies that meat was pretty generally eaten (though the practice was looked upon...enough to make it worth while to animadvert upon the practice. But even this Sutta (...

    E. Washburn Hopkins


  • The Comparative Phenomenology

    that it has influenced Oriental artistic taste and practice from ancient times. ____________________... practice and the same aesthetic theory we have noted in the Chinese. Bowie describes it as the ...

    Clarence Shute


  • The Deconstruction of Buddhism

    requires one to practice Buddhism; in contrast to Mosaic law, the Buddhist precepts (to avoid ...expectations) has been repeatedly identified as the most problematic tendency in meditative practice. [...

    David R. Loy


  • The evolution of Buddhist systematics

    into practice and theory. Practice did not invite speculation except insofar as it was ...

    Jose Pereira and Francis Tiso

