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  • How Many Sūtra Passages Are Indicated……

    upon “intention-ascription.”[22] As Lopez notes in his essay, “This concern with intention may very ...

    William Magee, Ph.D.


  • Śaṅkara and Dogen on the Paradox of Practice

    . [22] Certainly there are many statements by Śaṅkara that śruti is the ...

    Loy, David


  • The place of Buddhism in Santayanas moral philosophy

    happiness and misery" [22], and "to combineuniversal sympathy with perfect spirituality" [23]. And this ..., Collier Books) p.155. [22] Reason in Religion, p. 156. [23] Reason in Religion, p. 155. [24] ...

    John Magnus Michelsen


  • The possibility of religious pluralism

    gentleness, self-control' (Galatians 5: 22). It is important to recognize that religious ...

    John Hick


  • The Practice of Zen

    Chapter 22 is particularly misleading, though it is characteristic of the kind of error on which this ...

    Paul Wienpahl


  • The problem of the historical Nagarjuna revisited

    C. Lindtner(22)), such as the Bodhicittavivarana and the Vaidalyaprakarana, have had ...

    Ian Mabbett


  • The Problem of the Self in the Later Nishida and in Sartre

    because "it is impossible for man to transcend human subjectivity." [22] In asserting that existence...Existentialism, p. 36. 21 - Ibid., p. 34. 22 - Ibid., p. 37. 23 - Ibid., p. 35. 24 - Nishida ...

    Brian D. Elwood


  • The question of the importance of Samadhi

    circles as nirvikalpasamadhi.[22] Thepoint to be noted about yoga is that its whole soteriology isbased...action as consisting of four types, cf. BU 3.3.1 (p. 798, lines 22 ff., and p. 801, lines 1 ff...

    Comans, Michael


  • The range of Nishidas early religious thought

    Christianity as a Problem of Today," Japanese Religions III, no. 2 (1963), 11-22; no. 3, 8-31; "A Symposium on...

    David Dilworth


  • Language and Logic in the Lotus Sutra

    the entanglement of the world . . . .[22] And what is the freedom of mind that is empty? As to this,...

    Sandra A. Wawrytko

