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  • Tan Ching (Platform Scripture)

    ching, [a] or Platform Sutra, has been a volume of immense popularity among the Ch'an Buddhists of ...School of Ch'an, it has achieved the highest status possible for a Buddhist text by being awarded the ...

    Carl Bielefeldt and Lewis Lanc


  • The awakening

    --------------------------- As the driving force behind Laos' move towards a market economy, ...community, Laos, at least until only a few years ago,remained more rumour than reality. Its capital,...

    Stephen, Mansfield


  • The Biographical Scripture of King Asoka

    English. As it would be impossible to achieve such a project within foreseeable future, a phased program has been adopted. Accordingly a hundred volumes composing one hundred and thirty nine ...

    Li Rongxi


  • On the Buddhas Answer to the Silence of God

    Raimundo Panikkar demonstrates once again that he is not only a master dialectician of religion and philosophy but also a major theological voice. Perhaps, in fact, he is the voice of the theological ...

    Robert C. Neville


  • Stuupa, and Tomb

    pyre of a deceased hero. The Buddhist hero is a Buddha or a Thera, the greatest hero...Daagaba, which is a shorter form of Dhaatugarbha. The Dhaatugarbha strictly denotes the...

    B. M. Barua


  • The Anti-abstraction of Dignaaga and Berkeley

    The Buddhist philosopher and logician Dignaaga (A.D. 480-540) and the eighteenth-century Irish...the two have at least this in common: both were persistent critics of a theory of ...

    Ewing Y. Chinn


  • The Probletic od Whole-Part

    --------- P.457 The issue of the whole-part relationship has been a contentious subject in...put in a certain order; hence, the part is more fundamental than the whole, since the whole can be ...

    Tao Jiang


  • The Spiritual Roots of Civil Society

    ·期刊原文The Spiritual Roots of Civil Society: A Buddhist PerspectiveBy David R. Loy -----------------...emergence of the idea of civil society in the later seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was the result of a...

    David R. Loy


  • Thinking Between Worlds Meditative Reason

    Between Worlds Philosophy East and West, Vol. 50, No. 2 (April 2000) It is noteworthy at a time when philosophy is often said to be "over" to find such a bold and comprehensive, almost systematic, ...

    Ashok K. Gangadean


  • More on the Unrepeatability of Gunas

    connection with an explanation of the Vai`se.sika categories, Dr. D. M. Datta questions a conclusion put forward by me in an earlier article in Philosophy East and West. [2] My contention was that a ...

    Potter, Karl H.

