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  • The Defeat of Vij~naaptimatrataa In China:

    aalayavij~n- aana.(24)   Elsewhere, it also says;   The tathaagatagarbha suffers pain and ...

    Whalen Lai


  • The Doctrines of Perfect Teaching

    discussed it in the hsn-t'an"; see T 1736: 36.234b17; 248a24; 449b... the exception that the third pair is comprehension and practice.(24) ...

    Nalinaksha Dutt


  • The Early Buddhist Notion of the Middle Path

    came to be looked upon as one who remained forever (sadaa sthita),[24] and his parinirvaa.na came to ...

    David J. Kalupahana


  • The Eight Great Caityas and their Cult

    I. Gnas chen po brgyad kyi mchod rten la bstod pa, Bstan h.gyur, I, no. 24, Cordier, ...

    Bagchi, P.C.


  • The emptiness of Christ: A Mahayana Christology

    sacrament of our encounter with God, Jesus is not asecond subject alongside God.[24] The words and ...Fathers hasdelivered to us." Quoted from the translation of Aloys Grillmeier, [24] The theme of ...

    John P. Keenan


  • The Hsie Tsung Chi

    its ability (merit) one obtains the Ten Powers,[23]Is wealthy with the Seven Valuables[24]And enters...naapaaramitaa`saastra, or Ta-chih tu lun[ar]. E.g., T.24, no. 1509, p.264c11; p.265c16; p.287a17; and p. 294c2...

    Robert B. Zeuschner


  • The Hsin-Ming Attributed to Niu-Tou Fa-Jung

    24) and later practised the Chih-kuan(w) ('samatha-vipa'syana) system of the T'...

    Henrik H. Sorensen


  • The human body as a boundary symbol:

    temporal condition!' It is transcendence of condition."(24) If is simply seeing Buddha-...

    Carl Olson


  • The I Ching in the Shinto Thought

    work in Shinto shrines. What do they know about the Shinto of the sages? [24] Ogyu Sorai (1666-... Studies 9 (2) (1997): 24-44. 7. Shinto denju, in Saigusa Hiroto, ed., Nihon tetsugaku zensho, vol....

    Wai-ming Ng


  • The I-ching[a] and the Formation of the Hua-yen[b] Philosophy

    to its original state and become Pure Wisdom.[24] Wonhyo, in so describing internal perfuming, ...

    Whalen Lai

