conception are, to be sure, significant contributions in their own right. But this preoccupation with origins...definite historical founder, this preference for formulations as close as possible to the original ...
George Rupp
and Confucianism, and if a third moralsystem claims to have integrated the two conflicating ...questions is whether theintegration is syncretism or synthesis. According to ThomasF. Hoult, "all ...
Bongkil Chung
meditation on brain activity, behavior, and even immune responses to flu vaccine. Richard Davidson, director ...participant in Dharamsala meetings with the Dalai Lama, used new scanning techniques to examine the brain ...
Roger-Pol Droit
The present volume is dedicated to one of the ...clergy to introduce Buddhism to the Western world. It is better to let some of the contributors ...
Gatare Dhammapala. Richard Gom
Note on the Translation." This Introduction is a valuable guide to the intricacies of Chinese ...Glossary of Names, Terms, and Texts, and a Guide to Supplemental Readings, in addition to a Bibliography ...
Peter N. Gregory
'Tibetan Buddhism' is all the rage -- although it has little to do with ...woman asks: ``How'sit taste?'' The question hadn't occurred to him: ``Taste?''
In vino veritas, or ...
David Klinghoffer
chapter room(the heart of the monastery, normally restricted to monks of the monastery)to discuss ...of meditation practices. Two questionsbrought to the surface deeply held convictions. A Catholic ...
these theories is indispensable to the understanding of other aspects of Buddhist philosophy, however unrelated they at first appear. Thus, whether one seeks to investigate Buddhist theories of karma ...
Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye
ascendancy, 1568-82. Mr. Lamers has consulted a wide range of contemporary sources: in addition to ...important figure.
This monograph contributes in several important ways to the literature on Nobunaga and ...
Jeroen Lamers
onelanguage to another. Why do we feel this is true? Perhaps in poetry thereferential use of language is at its weakest. Also, poetry aims to affectits audience primarily through emotions and intuitive ...
Geshe Thupten Jinpa