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  • A Buddhist Tract on Empiricism

    ENGLISH TRANSLATION Thus have I heard. Once the Exalted One was living at Saavatthi, in the ...!" They responded: "Yes, O Lord!" and the Exalted One spoke thus: "Monks, I will preach to you '...

    D. J. Kalupahana


  • The Haunting Fetus

    World in Taiwan. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2001. viii + 206 pp. Notes, character ...to Taiwan sensibilities in chapter 3. I happened to be in Taiwan at the time I read the book, and an...



  • Conze on Buddhism and European Parallels

    insight, condemned at the outset to be wrong by venturing a comparison outlawed by Conze. But I set no ...camp (pratipak.sa), I begin by questioning his clarity in assumptions about Buddhism. These ...

    Alex Wayman


  • Digital Comparative Catalogue of the Pāli-Chinese Āgama Literature

    . A3. This is an open project, i.e. it is designed with the aim to allow further information to be ... the humanities, at their web-site (http://www.tei-c.org/). A6. I have to thank the Vipassana ...

    Trial Version


  • Mudra, mudda

    Cowell's translation, VI, p. 364) we find the following (I quote the quite satisfactory ...his wife, reflected, "'Whether she be unwed or not I do not know; I will ask her by ...

    Ananda K.


  • Response to Richard Pilgrims review of The Logic of Unity

    understanding." At any rate, under those circumstances I as translator had no alternative but to do my best...little resemblance to what it is today. I grant that typos and punctuation mistakes exist in the text....

    Hosaku Matsuo and translated b


  • The Formation of Chan Ideology in China and Korea

    be taken up lightly. Rather, I suspect that it is the first part of the book that most readers will...'an] tradition on the peninsula, a man I shall call Pomnang" (p.23). Although the biographical ...

    Robert E. Buswell, Jr.


  • Two Notes on the Ancient Geography of India

    published in the EpigraphiaIndica.(1) In the present note I only wish to draw attention to ...upthat river. Ptolemy calls it an E'urropiov, i.e. " anauthorised sea-coast mart ".(1) We may ...

    J. Ph. Vogel


  • 一个关于常识推理的基础逻辑

    方式进一步说明常识推理中这两个层次的推理及其相互关系。   设G是任一有穷前提集。   (I)(局部推出)G局部推出a,当且仅当,G部分前提无矛盾地推出a。   (II)(整体推出)G整体推出a,... “逻辑地局部推出”是个抽象概念,而实际上的推出总是依据或在某个具体的逻辑下的推出。所以,对于H,我们还可以有更精确的表述:   I.设L是某个局部推出的逻辑。G L-推出a,当且仅当,∧G>a是L...

    周北海 毛翊


  • 《诸尊身色印相明录》译注

    美哄  (跋:)  鉴于十二皇子“愿作是文”之请,金刚持昂汪洛桑却巅吉祥贤作如是文。  三、原文转写  /lha mang po'i sku mdog phyag mtshan sogs gsal ...rje 'khor lo padma dang/  /g-yon pas dril bu rin chen ral gri bsnams/  /rang 'dra'i reg bya rdo rje ma...


