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  • Seng-Chao And The Maadhyamika Way of Refutation

    theteaching of impermanence.'(11) The Mahaayaana-`saastra(12)says,'Dharmas do not change. They ...andsighed, 'It passes on like this, never ceasing day ornight'(15)],both were expressing the ...



  • Sinitic speculations on buddha-nature

    enlightenment and criticizing the true (suddenist) understanding.(11) These ... fashion.(15) p. 138 The logic might appear to be...

    Whalen Lai


  • Skepticism and Indian philosophy

    according to them, to describe truly the real nature of a thing p.199 in a given context. [11] ...the real and the phenomenal, and who were not so enthused with the prospect of liberation [15] -- held...

    Dipankar Chatterjee


  • A Basic Concept in Indias Philosophical Speculations

    hmaṇa (I. 11), in the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad (IV. 4.6) and in the Maitrī Upanişad (VI. 15) in which the center of the universe is represented as sun, time operates as a ...

    Kunst, Arnold


  • Some aspects of the free-will question in the Nikaayas

    karman (kammavipaakajaani).(11) The second aspect is attested in another passage ...altering karman in anyway.(15)The Buddha then points out, that if this is so, "all ...

    Luis O. Gomez


  • Some impressions of the Buddha

    Indian education and political history.[11] He composed TheLight of Asia in moments he could spare ...insatiable appetite for naturalbeauty."[15] In his boyhood, Dreiser took a romantic delight in ...

    Douglas C, Stenerson


  • Some Prollems in Interpretation

    autumn and given to my lay disciple Yo Koshuu of Chinzei [Kyushu]."(11) The same ...of the "Critical Buddhist,"(15) Kawamura argues, however, that Dogen maintained the....

    David Putney


  • Italian Studies on Far Eastern Thought in Comparative Philosophy

    Validity and Limits of a Comparative Philosophy," in East and West 11 (1960), to reappear in the essays "...," in Cina 15 (1979); "// concetto di libertà individuale nel pensiero di Chen Duxiu fra il 1915 e ...

    Santangelo, Paolo


  • Symbolism and death in Jung and Zen Buddhism

    committing suicide." [11] The gateway to wholeness is not a matter of volition, and Jung is forever ...them that the union of conscious and unconscious contents is consummated." [15] It is they that ...

    John Steffney


  • Systems philosophy as a hermeneutic for Buddhist teachings

    for"),(11) he comes closer to Buddhism than does process philosophy. This change...eternal objects and notion of God as efficient cause,(15) is one which the early ...

    Joanna Rogers Macy

