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  • The Mythico-Ritual Syntax of Omnipotence

    the act itself, the agent, the scene, the agency (i.e., instrument), [10] and the purpose. [11] The ...its objects and results. [15] The Orthodox Hindu and Buddhist Denigration of the Agent in the ...

    Lawrence, David


  • The nature and status of moral behavior

    wiped out." [11] Zen's relation to a tradition is not, however, merely a matter of historical, ...enter into relations. [15] The fault which lies at the basis of this ignorance is that of chopping...

    Richard Hubert Jones


  • A Buddhist View of Repression

    experienced pleasure or pain and an immortal soul that was released by death." [11] Evidently it was this ...eternal meaning system. [15] This "pure" guilt has nothing to do with infringements or punishment for ...

    David Loy


  • The Non-Logical Character of Zen

    on another occasion "Neither mind nor Buddha".[11] The reasons for these contradictory answers are ...means "group, congregation." Zen, on the other hand, uses the word ts'ung-lin, "woods"[15], by which it...

    Hajime Nakamura


  • The Ontological Foundation in Tetsuro Watsujis Philosophy

    gaku to shite no rinrigaku [i] (Ethics as the study of man).[11] He submitted another well-known ... no rinrigaku (Ethics as the study of man) were written out of the concern with ethics.[15] As ...

    Isamu, Nagami


  • The Ontology of the Prajnaparamita

    itself.(10) Own-being, therefore, implies full and complete ownership and control.(11) It is ...produccion."(14) "Own-being is the unpervertedness of essential nature."(15) But "there are not two ...

    Edward Conze


  • The paradox of Buddhist wisdom

    But a Bodhisattva courses in non-duality."(11) Coursing in Nonduality means that ... is,"(15) is the true nondual nature of all things. Further, all things in their ...

    Donald W. Mitchell


  • How Many Sūtra Passages Are Indicated……

    Clear Thought.[11] Toward that end, let us look briefly at the topic of Ge-luk hermeneutics to discover...principles for the retrieval of his meaning.[15] Like Lopez, Nathan Katz feels that Buddhist hermeneutics...

    William Magee, Ph.D.


  • On the Earliest Path to the Tathagatahood

    knowledge.[11]   The importance of this tradition lies in the fact that it gives a connected account ...know that dukkha which is due to the loss of kaama, is present in the first jhaana.[15]  This shows ...

    Biswadeb Mukherjee


  • Śaṅkara and Dogen on the Paradox of Practice

    pervasive like space, It remains ever attained by everybody." [11] Like the sixth Ch'an patriarch ...yoga "bring about the rise of true knowledge." [15] This is accurate as an account of Gauḍapāda...

    Loy, David

