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  • The place of Buddhism in Santayanas moral philosophy

    the failure ofreason. These systems of morality are "experiments in redemption", [11]Santayana ...'s code. [15] While it is clear that the superiority of Buddhism lies in its pessimisticand ...

    John Magnus Michelsen


  • The Problem of Induction in Indian Philosophy

    arises the knowledge "cases of smoke" comprising all smoke. [11] In other words, when we perceive ...attributes that are common to two things. [15] Hence the argument runs: For since the relation of fire to ...

    Roy W. Perrett


  • The problem of the historical Nagarjuna revisited

    there are two, three, or four.(11) There is no need, however, to engage in any ... Robinson,(15) T. R.V. Murti,(16) D. Seyfort Ruegg,(17) C. Lindtner,(18) and ...

    Ian Mabbett


  • The Problem of the Self in the Later Nishida and in Sartre

    states that "Religion is the problem of the self." [11] Sartre, on the other hand, would doubtless ...not the sense in which existentialism "leaves to man a possibility of choice? [15] Existential choice ...

    Brian D. Elwood


  • The Probletic od Whole-Part

    perception,11 albeit of a special kind, which we will address later in the essay. This means that the ...without dissolving. As does one atom, so do all things. Ponder this.15 This passage shifts the ...

    Tao Jiang


  • Language and Logic in the Lotus Sutra

    doctrines to the teaching `Saakyamuni Buddha.[11] For example, the prospect of universal buddhahood is...metaphysical and epistemological disposition, as well its attendant social and political consequences.[15] In ...

    Sandra A. Wawrytko


  • The Rejection of Humor in Western Thought

    foul words and foul deeds, or blows and wounds and murders, but unseasonable laughter itself.[11] ... is occasion for Hobbes's sudden joy."[15] When we meet a poor beggar on the street, for example, ...

    John Morreall


  • The relationship between nirvaana and samsaara

    subjectivity."[11] Second, the very con- ___________________________________________________________...not ontological (objective). The real is as it has ever been.[15] That there are genuine ...

    George Rupp


  • The Religion of the Market

    economic theory remains in thrall to utilitarian values, all the more for being ignorant of its debt. [11] ...billion a year. [15] Put together, this constitutes probably the greatest effort in mental ...

    David Loy


  • The Religious Character of the Confucian Tradition

    terms of a religious founder.[11] He performs no miracles, he does not talk with the gods, he does not ...exclusive and not limited to certain specific features, even those of the inner spiritual life.[15] ...

    Rodney L. Taylor

