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  • The Nature of Chan (Zen) Buddhism

    Chang, Chen-chi Copyright 1957 by University Press of Hawaii   p333 As interest IN Zen Buddhism...introductory books on the subject, treat Zen as a pastime and as a topic of casual conversation. Some of ...

    Chang, Chen-chi


  • More Than A Bookmark: Eisai The Thanker

    English-speaking world the contribution of Eisai as transmitter of Ch'an Buddhism from ...also seemed to see the self (or more properly the impermanent nonself) as going with ...

    Wallace Gary


  • Mountain deities in China:

    each cardinal direction, fix and define Chinese space. Their worship may go back as far as...inscriptions as a pictograph of one range of mountains above another.(2) This yue is ...

    Terry F. Kleeman


  • The Philosophy of the Middle Way

    with as many interpreters whoknow that they alone are right as there are interpreters whoknow that ...thesis of the Muulamadhyamakaakarikaa If onekeeps that thesis constantly in mind and reads Naagaarjuna as...

    Herman A.L.


  • Perspectives in the Study of Chinese Buddhism [1]

    person to be remembered both as a man and as a scholar. I shall not speak about his human qualities, for it is impossible to do justice to them in a few words. As a scholar, he was a man of astonishing ...

    E. Zurcher


  • Symbols, icons and stupas

    art as a psycho-cosmic symbol is problematic.(1) This is because our notion of a ...sign as `something that stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity' (...

    Perrett, Roy W.


  • Ta-hui Tsung-kao and Kung-an Chan

    teachers of quiet-sitting heretical and referred to their Ch'an practice as the "heretical Ch'an of silent illumination" (mo-chao hsieh-ch'an)[c] and his own school came to be known as the "Ch'an of kung-...

    Chun-Fang Yu


  • The Great Stupa at Nagarjunakonda in Southern India

    miles distant from Amaravati as the crow flies, but considerably further by river. It... and through the valley to Nagarjunakonda has to be performed on foot, as no cart ...



  • The Meaning of Vairocana in Hua-yen Buddhism

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 403 As the ...students of Tibetan Buddhism and Japanese Shingon. He also shares with such Buddhas as `Saakyamuni, ...

    Francis H. Cook


  • Time in Patanjalis Yogasuutra

    causality too) as we are used to speaking in the West today: philosophically since Kant, physically ...apperception. [1] Fritjof Capra, a modern physicist, tries to suggest that "Oriental Thought," as he ...

    Klaus K. Klostermaier

