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  • Reply to Robert Morrison

    --------------------------------------------- see also: Nietzsche and Early Buddhism, a Review of Nietzsche and Buddhism: Prolegomenon to a Comparative Study, by Freny Mistry, and Nietzsche and ...

    Graham Parkes


  • Buddhism and American Thinkers

    Whiteheadian process metaphysics, that Whitehead may have a special role to play in interpreting East and West to each other, and that there are certain "ideas that constitute a common core of Buddhist and ...

    Kenneth K. Inada and Nolan P.


  • Buddhist practices make inroads in the US

    deck, cradling a small brass bowl in her left hand. At her feet, anywhere from 15 to 30 men and women...brush with Buddhism. "Americans who want a comfortable setting to try Buddhist practices ...

    Daniel B Wood


  • Enlightenment below

    COPYRIGHT @ Penton Publishing Inc   A RECENT BUDDHIST TEMPLE BY TADAO ANDO, SUBSUMED...Inland Sea. Less a building than a series of shaped sensual experiences, the Lotus ...

    Cheryl Kent


  • Buddhist teachers in America

      Two primary characteristics of both these books suggest that they be treated in a single review...hereafter Remarkable Women) these books carry no particular feminist "agenda," though there is a very ...

    Lenore Friedman


  • Monks in conversation

    northern India. Merton described the spiritual leader of Tibet as a"very solid, energetic, generous, and ...There wasnot a word of politics. The whole conversation was about religion andphilosophy and especially ...



  • Understanding Eastern Philosophy

    counterpart because, for instance, to achieve a comprehensive ontological perspective requires ...preface that he wanted to compose a book that steers a middle course between "sentimental devotionalism" ...

    Ray Billington


  • Can the East help the West to value nature

    theologians both know that one ought to mix religion and science with great logical care, a ...languages, and to confuse the two is to make a category mistake, something like confusing the languages...

    Holmes Rolston. III


  • Language Against Its Own Mystifications

    PressHawaii, USA p. 245 ... we find ourselves in the midst of a rude fetishism when we ...Reason' in language: oh what a deceitful old woman! I fear we are not getting rid of God because we still...

    David R. Loy


  • Buddhism faces modernity in Thailand

    --------------------------------------------- As I sip a cold drink at an outdoor table, an unusual arrangement on a chair in front of the neighboring bar catches my attention...

    Ben Barber

