Ceylon and spread Buddhism there with the help of the Ceylonese King Devaana^...their activities in promoting the cause of Buddhism. Siihabaahu, King of Va^nga, ...
Dr.Bimala Churn Law
paradox might provide a fruitful point of comparative philosophical dialogue between Zen Buddhism and ...few remarks on the notions of enlightenment in Zen Buddhism and Transcendental Phenomenology.
Philip J. Bossert
religion and Buddhist doctrine through his esoteric or tantric form of Buddhism, ...assimilate wisdom, and the six Nara schools of Buddhism were strongly represented in ...
strong interest in Buddhism expressed in his non-fiction,on the other hand, has largely escaped ... Hinduism but not much about Buddhism. At that timeHinduism, and to a lesser extent Confucianism, ...
Douglas C, Stenerson
to Buddhism as to every other tradition. It is apparent upon closer examination, nonetheless, that in Buddhism, and in Zen Buddhism in particular, as in any religious tradition, a place has been ...
M. Conrad Hyers
Tibet should not adopt the Ch'an version of Buddhism but Indian Mahaayaana. This ... Bu-ston's History of Buddhism (Chos-.hbyung), the Indian hostility is presented as ...
Roccasalvo, Joseph F.
professed Buddhism, to maintain the faith, to support the Order, and to aid successive ...supported Buddhism. This was the case in many countries, to wit, Siam, Ceylon, Burma, ...
Robert Chalmers
above statements is in order. Although the three characteristics (trilak.sa.na) of Buddhism are late ...Buddhism
is and at once distinguish it from all other systems of thought. The ...
Kenneth K. Inada
and living life. Only when Buddhism was introduced in the sixth century C.E. was a name...welcome and sometimes not so welcome. Buddhism helped shape the expression of Shinto during ...
Willis Stoesz
Esoteric Buddhism. Defining Verbal Behavior When we act on the physical ... Whitehurst, 1971; Peterson & Whitehurst, 1971; Steinman, 1970). Buddhism ...
Muzai No Nanase