foreign cultures are assimilated not through study of their general principles and structures, but ...without much need to understand their relationship or significance. In his study of Japanese high ...
David R. Loy
Illinois at Urbana and Director of the Kuroda Institute for the Study of Buddhism and ...modern historical study of Ch'an is so deeply indebted. Rather, I have introduced ...
Peter N. Gregory
where its study was continued and where present-day scholars are well acquainted with it. There is no ... 1928-1929).
p. 156
even in the study of their works, it is not possible to determine the ...
Yoshifumi Ueda
that it was not already-------------------------- (1) The substance of this study was read as a ...knowledge of it from popularreport and not from direct study; if so, it is to beinferred that ...
the student of the Paali suttas that this study does not elaborate on the numerous ...the Theravaadin's quest for salvation.
For the purposes of this study we ...
Donald K. Swearer
. I already had a passion for spiritual truth. I wanted to study Zen Buddhism, and I decided to look...should retire to the mountains and forests to study Buddhism in order to repay my debt to my parents. ...
Nguyen Dang Thuc
not the views of Brahman recluses?
A study of the names of religious teachers that figure in the..., a close study of the Paali Canon leads one to believe that Brahmans, that is, the priestly class, ...
Pratap Chandra
objective study of the problem of equation
of attaa and Aatman is obvious, and a suitable
methodology for such a study has been suggesed.
Section III delineates ...
Biswadeb Mukherjee
Ichimura in his recent dissertation. "A Study on Naagaarjuna's Method of ...term "logic" in a study of these matters when they employed symbolic logic.
Alex Wayman
study. Dilworth notes that the founder of the Kyoto school of Zen philosophy was ... in philosophy, logic, or doctrine that guided his study of world religions, but ...
Miranda Shaw