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  • 新加坡当局劝说公众卫赛节期间勿向保护区和水库放生

    reminding the public not to release animals into nature reserves and reservoirs. Ms Sharon Chan, ...sending them to their deaths. One recent incident I encountered was the release of a few soft-shell ...



  • 泰国世界佛教徒友谊会赠送金佛给日本灵云院 以示感谢

    Thailand. The figure is one of 19 Buddhist statutes built to celebrate the 80th birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand. It is to acknowledge the contributions of Reiun-in Temple and its followers ...



  • Dogens Manuals of Zen Meditation

    position. His renown is due in part to the Soto school, the largest Zen sectarian institution in modern-day Japan, and to his position as the school's founding father, a keystone of its proselytizing ...

    Carl Bielefeldt


  • Samkara on the Question: Whose is Avidya

    indivisible reality,, that the experience we have of diversity is due simply to avidyaa. Now, the use of this concept leads to a logical dilemma. If this avidyaa is a real entity, then monism ends....

    Daniel H. H. Ingalls


  • The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way

    the achievement of what might not have been thought to be a particularly urgent desideratum: a ...wonder, could be gained by such an addition to the already voluminous literature on this text? ...

    Dan Arnold,


  • A Buddhists Shakespeare: Affirming Self-Deconstructions

    come to find in his intriguing study of Shakespeare. Howe shares with many others the notion that criticism as a disinterested endeavor to know the complex but unitary truth has given way to a belief ...

    Sidney Gottlieb


  • Chan (Zen) Buddhism in China--Its History and Method

    introducing Zen Buddhism to the Western world. Through his untiring effort and through his many books ...disappointment has been that, according to Suzuki and his disciples, Zen is illogical, irrational, and, ...

    Hu Shih


  • Cosmology and meditation Agganna-Sutta Mahayana

    ·期刊原文 Cosmology and meditation: from the Agganna-Sutta to the Mahayana. (Buddhism) Rupert ... the realm of Radiance and come here [to this realm]; and they exist made of mind, ...

    Rupert Gethin


  • Dharma and Moksa

    social ethics appropriate to a city state, but one which became more and more desocialized and ...stimulus to virtue not in man but in a power beyond him: in Isis, in Demeter, and so on, but especially ...

    Daniel H. H. Ingalls



    these two traditions of thought. One of the first scholars to attempt this, Steve Odin, comparing Hua-...apparatus by which to argue both for the retention of a single determinate form by each dharma, and for the...

    BROOK ziporyn

