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  • Student-teacher relationship: A Buddhist perspective

    something negative or bad. In reality, a crisisor a conflict gives students and teachers a unique ... compassion, and love. A crisis or a conflict is an opportunity togrow in new directions and, thus, ...

    Robert P. Craig


  • 佛祖诞生地—尼泊尔蓝毗尼正遭噪音及重工业污染

    Buddha is being polluted by noise and heavy industry, environmentalists have warned. At least eight ...nearest city Bhairahawam and more are expected to become operational soon. Locals are also concerned ...



  • Approaches to existence

    •期刊原文 Approaches to existence Milton K. Munitz Philosophy East and West Vol.25(1975) pp....which my colleagues have so sympathetically and constructively initiated by their comments on my paper,...

    Milton K. Munitz


  • The Practice of Altruism as a Common Spi

    the philosophy of “helping others, helping yourself”, and emphasizing altruism. The four missions that carried by Tzu Chi members for more than four decades include charity, medicine, education and ...

    Rey-Sheng Her


  • 探索禅与大脑的秘密

    Absorption and Kensho James H. Austin, M.D. The end of the ...神经学教授,美国科罗拉多大学健康中心名誉教授。Austin博士多年来致力于研究东方禅宗的脑机制与心理过程,其代表性著作有 Zen and the Brain: Toward an ...



  • 苏塔难陀长老——佛教与慈善

    around the Buddhist World, Dedicated Organizers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Please, at the outset, allow me to convey my appropriate reverence, greetings and good wishes in Dhamma to you all. On ...



  • 敦煌之旅:Trip of Dunhuang

    its 45,000 square meters of breathtaking murals and more than 3,000 painted statues. If the ancient ...west end of the “hexi Corridor” in Gansu Province, Dunhuang has a glorious history and culture. Dun ...



  • A Buddhists Shakespeare: Affirming Self-Deconstructions

    - James Howe is both a Buddhist and a post-modernist, a distinction without a difference as we ...that "any interpretation is a reader's 'reinvention' of the chosen text, and that the primary ...

    Sidney Gottlieb


  • Nāgārjunas theory of causality

    ·期刊原文Nāgārjuna's theory of causality: Implications sacred and profane Philosophy East and West By...Nāgārjuna argues for the fundamental importance of causality, and dependence more generally, to our...

    Jay L Garfield


  • 世界佛教大家庭的共同语言——佛教音乐——兼谈佛教音乐的历史与未来

    and Future Ven. Yan Jue Buddhism is one of the three major religions in the world. Since its ... Chinese language Buddhism and Tibetan language Buddhism. The languages used by Buddhists from ...


