of self and will are dispelled. They arise out of our use of ordinary language; their existence is ...denoting nothing.
We have found a solution to our problem in an analysis of language. It is our ...
Teschner, George
Kepler, and Kant and the post-Kantians, but also a method conforming to "the habit of our...mobility itself our intellect turns aside, because it has nothing to gain in dealing ...
Yanming An
the kind of "Chronicle" presupposed by our hypothesis. Why should not the ...incoherent: our suggestion that What is now known to us as the MPS. on one hand, and the Cv. ...
Finot, Louis
time to those who hold that our criteria of logical consistency should not be applied to a second-... calls our attention to chapter 2 of the Kaarikaas, Naagaarjuna's famous critique of motion, as an ...
L. Stafford Betty
. which has been transmitted from our ancestors for thousands of years." [2] In fact, he had spent ...inverse polarity or inverse determination with the absolute. Hence, that our lives always exhibit the...
David A. Dilworth
logician does not seem to add very much to our knowledge of the subject, I do not ... it be possible to know what kind of lotus we have in our mind, blue or white or ...
Giuseppe Tucci
Here our task is to compile the various inscriptions which still ... after ages having no bearing on the history of its construction. We are to offer our ...
B.M. Barua
reviewing various problems of the theory of time he says, "Our conclusion is that it is ...for the purpose of the entire dialectic seems to be to point out that our views ...
John M. Koller
time, we have had nothing to base our conclusions upon except hypotheses. Taaranaatha, like ...conceptions, we shall find abundant food for our curiosity in the varied turns of a war ...
Louis DE LA Vall`ee Poussin
meditativeabsorption. This is a recurrent warning in all schools of Ch'an. That is why our text puts...yung appears also in our text (in stanzas 18 and21), but the context suggests a colloquial rendering. ...
Dusan Pajin