In leaving our Pavamaana prayer I would remind you that it is not typical of Vedic ...imperishableness (ak.siiti). Our own traditional religious teaching is not free from ...
Rhys Davids, Caroline A.F.
our own time are moving us toward ideas indistinguishable from those held by the ... with a paradigm shift in our understanding, scientists are face-to-face with...
Steven Heine
to extend the notion of regulated continuity. They ask that we include in our understanding of ...forces. They suggest that we also include in our understanding of regulated continuity those factors...
Frederick Streng
perceived as awhole, over and above its different parts, so our cognitionof a mantra is of a meaning ...unraveling theillusion. Adding to our lore on the syllable om, Gupta showshow, in the Pancaratrin ...
Kohn, Richard J.
however, a few remarks should be made on the exact status of our present inquiry concerning the mind-...thought, as developed elsewhere, on the topic of the status of mind and its relation to matter. For our ...
Brook Ziporyn
of our minds. But what would be the use of accepting subjective idealism if, at the same time, we ...reduced to matter, the existence of which is objectively true, and not just a product of our mind. In ...
Kunst, Arnold
creation according to the Maniehaean cosmology. But in fact our system presupposes...∠ 2 (Chroschtag and Padvachtag), our ma.n.dala results of 5 ∠ 4 ∠ 4. So there ...
Our study will not be comparative. A comparative study would presuppose that ...speech-acts.(6) This sense cannot be directly stated, therefore, and so our argument may ...
Philip Goodchild
a finite segment of time as constituting our immediate experience... The ... Buddhism considered both time and causation as parts of our experience, not as mere ...
David J. Kalupahana
Pasadika (see SBE. xiii, p. 62, footnote 5). But, as our fragment now
... Pali sama-tittika, as applied to alms-food, and as found in our fragment, is readily ...
Hoernle, Rudolf.