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  • The Non-Logical Character of Zen

    characterized by logical consistency.[8] However, a non-logical tendency soon manifested itself and eventually ...in Zen Buddhism itself.     p.115         NOTES1. Kung-an in Chinese. 2. Hekiganroku...

    Hajime Nakamura


  • The Orient or the North

    Fig.I) is the first ornamental panel that presents itself to the spectator when he is...Western Asia, Eastern Asia up to the Han era, together with Central Asia itself. My ...

    Josef Strzygowski


  • The Phoenix Hall at Uji and the symmetries

    Sukhavati itself. "It is marvelous," enthused Yorimichi's descendant Tadazane ...imitation of Sukhavati."(13) In time the Phoenix Hall itself was transcribed like a benevolent ...



  • The possibility of Oriental influence: in Humes philosophy

    itself is only a "bundle of perceptions." As Murti observes in his recent study of the ...early Paali texts.[11] Only the momentary event itself, co-present with others, is what we perceive. ...

    Nolan Pliny Jacobson


  • The possibility of religious pluralism

    hypothesis offers itself as an obvious solution. The process of reasoning which ...self-understanding of each faith in so far as each sees itself as having the only fully ...

    John Hick


  • The Predicament of Man in Zen Buddhism and Kierkegaard

    processes. The result of this propensity is that human living, left to itself, is always overtaken sooner or...but life itself is impossible. Out of the hidden, indeterminate areas of personality, out of the blind...

    Jacobson, Nolan Pliny


  • The Religion of Consumption: A Buddhist Perspective

    teachings and institutions. A truly human, loving politics has in itself an important spiritual aspect, ...itself a nurturing ground for people of other faiths as well as people lacking any faith to discover a ...

    Jonathan Watts & David Loy


  • The Religion of the Market

    (and justifying itself) by faith in the grace of profit and concerned to perpetuate that grace, ... no longer give our surplus to God; the process of producing an ever-expanding surplus is in itself ...

    David Loy


  • Primitive Buddhist Texts

    origination is void of substance, i.e. has no actual existence in itself, even though ...dialectical virtuosity is itself merely upaya-kaushalya, a therapeutic skillfulness. [40] ...

    Davids. T. W. Rhys


  • The Study of Buddhism

    inscriptions in Magadha itself. Literary texts in Maagadhii appear only after the beginning of our era in a few...question, why the need of special chairs for Buddhism has hardly made itself felt up till now. It was ...

    J. W. de Jong, Canberra

