signs' of the Buddha's person as unhisasisa; in later Buddhist Sanskrit works such as the Lalitavistara, Makavyutpatti, it is referred to as usnisa-siraskata. ...
Banerjea, Jitendra Nath
·期刊原文Where text meets flesh: burning the body as an apocryphal practice in Chinese Buddhismby James...demonstrates that these two texts, used in combination, not only justified such extreme acts as ...
James A. Benn
and that Naagaarjuna can be seen as taking up a Wittgensteinian position against his opponents. I ...sustained attack on the idea of writing philosophy as brief dicta with minimal examples, which is ...
Tyson Anderson
as well as for the whole of mankind. Now it is amazing how the language circumscribes this important...sweetest form of the language) the most deeply felt sorrows! Yet, astonishing as it may be, there exist ...
Xue Feng
Religion and Ethics, i, p. 259 seq., Dr. Hoernle writes as follows: ': On the exact ...meant to denote them as practising ascetic rules only as a means of gaining a livelihood (...
Charpentier, Jarl
Heidegger's strict or meditative thinking. What is this strict thinking? As Professor Gray says, it is to ..., is at once an intensity and equanimity which opens to things as they are and yet is persistently ...
Chang, Chung-yuan
Leningrad) have a long tradition. Such names as V. P. Vasyliev, O. O. Rosenberg, T. I. Stcherbatsky (with ...polymorphic struc-ture of lndian Buddhist as well as Brahmanical texts was formulated on the basis of an ...
Torchinov, E. A
as a poor pilgrim to elude the authorities and marauders but also became a ...fiction, but the authors hold to the truth as best they can given the fantastic nature of ...
Donald S Lopez,
rightly noted that we have avoided using "faith" as a translation for shinjin because "the term 'faith' is not only misleading as an equivalent, but also ambiguous as an English term itself." Of ...
Yoshifumi, Ueda
Andinsofar as Engaged Buddhism brings these groups to light this is a servicenot only to Buddhist ...styles of conduct thatits members deem to be 'Buddhist'" (p. 10). As to the meaning of the ...
Michael G. Barnhart