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  • Di^nnaagas theory of immaterialism

    element as fact (artha), external (baahya), or having a distinct character (svalak.sa.na)." [21] ...

    D. J. Kalupahana


  • Skepticism, ordinary language and Zen Buddhism

    providing a theory, or a body of truths, but by "assembling reminders for a particular purpose."[21] These ...

    Dick Garner


  • Discussion of time in Mahayana texts

    our universe is but one of thousands of universes or world systems.(21) All of these ...

    Lewis R. Lancaster


  • lending on interest and Written Loan Contracts

    quarters."(21) The Tibetan corresponds exactly to the manuscript reading and is ...

    Carl Bielefeldt


  • Don Cupitt: Christian Buddhist?

    rather than descriptions of reality'.(21) POINTS OF CONVERGENCE The nature of ultimate ... (20) Zen, p. 105. (21) Paul J. Griffiths in a work edited by him, Christianity ...

    Gregory Spearritt


  • Dying as Supreme Opportunity: A Comparison of Platos Phaedo and The Tibetan Book of the Dead

    model of a mind-only theory of reality. [21] He is then better able to sort out technical and ...

    Maurice Cohen


  • Early Buddhism and John Stuart Mills thinking

    knowledge here.(21) The former, of course, represents the deliverances of sense, but ...

    Vijitha Rajapakse


  • Early Buddhism: Some recent misconceptions

    concepts of "power to produce, " and so forth into causation.(21) Jayatilleke...

    Henry Cruise


  • Early Buddhist art and the theory of aniconism

    holySakyamuni, and thus parallels the inscription identifying the tree ofBuddha Visvabhu.[21] The ...IranianJournal 21, no. I (January 1979): 16 n. 7. [12] The allusion to a proscription occurs in the rules ...

    S. L. Huntington


  • Early Saamkhya in the Buddhacarita

    principles (tattva-s) in which a distinction exists between one tattva, aatman(21) ... usually done through mythological means.(61) So we find in Buddhacarita xii 21 that ...

    Kent, Stephen A.

