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  • Samkaras Arguments Against the Buddhist

    said on the relation of `Sa^mkaraacaarya to the Buddhists, and the views which are current on this ...element of `Sa^mkara's doctrine, which is certainly opposed to Buddhism, while others, by emphasizing the...

    Daniel H. H. Ingalls


  • Ching-hua Yuan and Lao-Chuang Thought

    , the authors could, without fear of censorship, safely create a private realm within which to ...condition, and points toward a Taoist framework within which to interpret and give substance to his more ...

    Hsin-sheng C. Kao


  • TheAuthorship of Nyayapravesa

    himself advanced to the point of rejecting these types; difference of date again ...Would this be possible if the Nyayapravesa belonged to Dignaga? It seems to me that it...

    A. Berriedale Keith


  • The Chinese Doctirnal Acceptance of Buddhism

    have wondered about Buddhism in China withboth puzzlement and amazement. Puzzlement as to why ...Amazement in terms of how the Chinese over aperiod of time, several centuries to be sure, ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • The Historical Structure of the Eternal

    developing and awakens to itself retrospectively by returning to its own source. Buddha, in this way... the other Buddhists before him, such as Naagaarjuna, T'ien-t'ai Chih-i and Saichoo, are now to be ...

    Makoto Ozaki


  • Klesa and Its Bearing On the Yoga Analysis of Mind

    philosophy. To expose and expound this idea in the context of the discourse on emotion in the West ...contemporary discussion concerning emotion is a matter to be investigated and debated. Various questions may be...

    Anindita N. Balsev


  • The range of Buddhist ontology

    is a consequence of the Buddha's original enlightenment. Failure to ... take the enlightenment to be strictly a private affair and will skirt around it and not ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Whitehead, Maadhyamika, and the Prajnaapaaramitaa

    can and have been found to exist between the process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead and ... at which congruence seems to disappear is the basic one of the validity of speculative philosophy ...

    Robert F. Olson


  • Desirelessness and the Good

    West-the "Good" of the Platonists. It will try to show how these two concepts are essentially ...speculative philosophy. This article makes no attempt to prove the truth of either of these concepts, ...

    Laurence J. Rosan


  • Reviews the book The Buddhist Priest Myoe

    dreamanalysis to bear upon elucidating in this book theindividuation process or process of self...life. The individuation processrequires a lifelong observation for it to be complete, andMyoe's ...

    Kawai Hayao

