Buddhism of the T'ang dynasty (618-906 C.E.). Wu recognized that comparing Christianity to Zen is as impossible as comparing mathematics to tennis, thinks Merton, who also feels that Zen involves ...
John C. Wu
THIS IS NOT A BOOK about perfection so much as it is about practice, about clothing ...tone is conversational and direct, his style mindful, reflective, often poetic, as in the ...
Paul Wienpahl
Pitakas, appear as elaborated, modified, or otherwise evolved in the Sanskrit ...And Professor Poussin's inquiry turns, as might have been expected, on the nature...
C.A.F. Rhys Davids
translate into the veneration of the founder, the teaching and the community of followers. As we ...Buddha as they relate to our contemporary situation. The Buddhist tradition defines five or six ...
Lewis Lancaster
As you can see, Science is a little theological threat to a Buddhist worldview because Buddhism had ...Science have increasingly been discussed as compatible and Buddhism has increasingly entered into the ...
H.H.Tep Vong
scientific philosophy.
As you can see, Science is a little theological threat to a Buddhist worldview ...Science have increasingly been discussed as compatible and Buddhism has increasingly entered into ...
H.H. Maha Sangharaja
greatest influence on Chinese Buddhism. Such important schools as the Hua-yen, T'ien-t'ai, Ch'an, and San-lun not only accept Buddha Nature as a basic tenet, but also consider...
Heng-ching Shih
these schools are the Pali Canon, and Sanskrit works which contain Mahayana works as well as works of Hinayana schools closely related to the Pali tradition.
E. J. Thomas
. My aim here is, however, a modest one. While explaining the notion of cause as it was understood ...first wry briefly refer to the classification of 'causal conditions' as found in the Abhidharmako`sa of ...
Francis Cook
women's status and spiritual capacities have not been upheld as highly in Buddhist history as they ... perfection,"1 women have not been regarded as equal in spiritual development in Buddhist literature...
Heng-Ching Shih