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  • Paradox and Enlightenment in Zen Dialogue

    the translations of two of Husserl's later works, Cartesian Meditations and the Crisis [21]. The ...

    Philip J. Bossert


  • Paramaartha and modern constructivists on mysticism

    Smith(21) have all taken such an approach. From this fact alone, these authors ...

    Robert K. C. Forman


  • Personal identity, minimalism, and Madhyamaka

    self, taking instead a "modal" view of reality (anatmavadins).21 The orthodox Hindu philosophers take... 557-617. 21 - T.R.V. Murti, The Central Philosophy of Buddhism (London: George Allen and Unwin, ...

    Roy W Perrett


  • Plotinus and Vijnanavada Buddhism

    "[21] And Emile Brehier; "The One of Plotinus is... the pure, absolute, single subject, without any ...University of Toronto Press, 1967) pp. 20-21, for the translation of hypernoesis as "superknowledge" ...

    McEvilley, Thomas


  • Prasanga and deconstruction:

    senseless to the ground (21), and the same situation ensued when the Hevajra teachings ...

    Nathan Katz


  • Preparing For Something That Never Happens

    romantic irrationalism ... may well bring about the very opposite of its intended goal." [21] How might ...

    David R. Loy


  • Problems of Religious Pluralism

    temporal change.(21) In light of this exegesis, we may question whether Hick'...Hawai'i Press, 1985), pp. 21- 53, for a detailed study of Dogen the "Zen Master." ...

    Jung H. Lee


  • Proto-Maadhyamika in the Paali canon

    least apperception in what is here seen, heard or thought.., (802)(21) He is not ...

    Luis O. Gomez


  • Pyrrhonism and Maadhyamika

    comes rather close to recognition of the principle of variables." [21] Precisely the same may be ...

    Thomas McEvilley


  • Addiction, Spirituality, And Politics

    Marable, 1993, p. 21).Although both radical and conventional social work attend to thealleviation of ...

    Morell C

