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  • Rationality, Argumentation and Embarrassment

    aside on the ground that it was not explained by the Exalted one." [21] But as Jayatilleke observes: "...Philosophy East and West 27, no. 1 (January 1977) (hereafter cited as "Who Understands?"): 3-21), that ...

    V. K. Bharadwaja


  • Realization of Param Bhutakoti (ultimate reality-limit)

    existence. Already in the Samyutta Nikaaya (II.l21ff.) freedom from illusory reality is said to ...

    Frederick J. Streng


  • Reflections On World Peace Through Peace Among Religions

    one person." [21] Here we find his one principle, but he never neglected the necessary distinctions. ...Seminar on "Crises and Opportunities for Peace," held in Hong Kong, February 21-23, 1994, see Vol. ...

    Liu, Shu-hsien


  • Vietnamese home temples and the First Amendment

    [21] Amy Adelson,[22]Harry Tepker,[23] and numerous others highlight the controversy thisopinion has...

    Chloe Anne Breyer


  • Reviewrd the book Mantra , edited by Harvey P. Alper

    stays the heavens with truthfulmantras" (.Rgveda 1.67.5; cited p. 21), and along with truth(rta, ...

    Kohn, Richard J.


  • Ritual Topography: Embodiment and Vertical Space

    higher status. Sections 21 and 22 are on the menial tasks of a newly ordained monk: sweeping ...Respect"),(21) which describes a "small hell" known as "Hammer-striking" or "Pulverizing" ...

    Reinders, Eric.


  • Ritual, cosmology and ontology: Chang Tsais

    is instantiated in aparticular form.[21] Hence physical endowment variesaccording to ...

    Chow, Kai-wing


  • Salvation By Paradox: On Zen And Zen-like Thought

    shameless; words dilute and brutalize; words depersonalize; words make the uncommon common". [21] ...

    Scharfstein, Ben-Ami


  • Samkaras Arguments Against the Buddhist

    Anadasrama Sanskrit Series No. 15 (Bombay: Nirnaya Sagar Press, 1939), pp. 21 ff. p. 297 The ...mgraha, Bibliotheca Indica Work No. 21 (Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1858), p. 16, has been ...

    Daniel H. H. Ingalls


  • Self-reflection in the Sanlun Tradition

    and siddhaanta or "positional commitment."[21] To the extent that they adopt an outlook, as critical ...Oriental     p.21 Institute, 1978. 17. Similarly, "Derrida's writing ... is always ...

    Alan Fox

