.[21] However, as we shall see, this emphasis on koan exercise was indeed a double-edged sword. It ...
Chun-Fang Yu
Buddhism by earlier writers.[21] But Welch was not simply championing Buddhism as a whole but a ...-------------30. See Lewis Hodous, "The Buddhist Outlook in China," Chinese Student's Monthly 21:6 (...
Justin R. Ritzinger
figure in the development of Chinese Buddhism [21]; Ui Hakuju, on the other hand, saw him to be a ...
Carl Bielefeldt and Lewis Lanc
reinterpretingthem with their own symbolic and practical resources.[21] Inthis section I will first ...
Lawrence, David
meaning of abstract significance... [21]
Supporting this theory of "meaning", Edwin Honig believes that ... 1963) chap. 21, p. 137. According to Chan, this chapter is a very important chapter and in some way...
Hsin-sheng C. Kao
one could ever expect. According to the Pralimoskha a bhikkhu is not permitted to handle gold,[21] ...[5] Thomas, E. J., The Life of the Buddha, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1952, p.21; Dutt, Op....
W. Pachow
p. 21
"real" appears to me to be wholly inapplicable to the Buddhist ...
A. Berriedale Keith
Buddhava.msa,(21) the Cariyaapi.taka explores the idea in more detail, especially ...example, Buddhava.m.sa 2A:117 ff., 4:14, 5:20, and 6:14.
21 - In Buddhavam.sa 1:...
Jeffrey Samuels
p. 21
abstraction that mind-aspects and ...enlightened character of all things," (21) he cautions his readers not to attach ...
David E. Shaner
cit., 140.
[21] The Majjhima Nikaya, Vol. III, op. cit., p. 245.
[23] The Majjhima Nikaya, Vol. I, ...