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  • The emptiness of Christ: A Mahayana Christology

    Ultimate truth is completely other (totaliter aliter) thanconventional truth.[19] If the truth of ...: SUNY Press,1991), pp. 35-49. [19] The otherness of the two truths is a principal theme treated ...

    John P. Keenan


  • Wang Yang-mings Philosophy in a Historical Perspective

    cognitive event, which is taken for the object. [19] The pivotal point here is the intention which energizes...

    Thome H. Fang


  • The first argument for Sarvastivada

    [19] The developments were concerned mainly with the Buddhistpath; with its aim and with its method...section 15,section 17; S ii 15-19). There certainly are links between past, presentand future, but they ...

    David Bastow


  • The Hidden Advantage of Tradition

    also, there is not the slightest difference whatsoever.'[19] What is distinctive about Naagaarjuna is...Banasthali Patrika 19 (1972): 48-53; D. B. Ghosh, "The Concept of Karma in T. S. Eliot," Jadavpur ...

    Jeffry M. Perl and Andrew P. T


  • The historical Buddha (Gotama), Hume, and James on the self

    ignorance. [19] It is difficult to decide whether Hume's despair and melancholy were real feelings ...

    D. C. Mathur


  • The Hsie Tsung Chi

    emptiness,And in itself is the same as the Dharmadhaatu.[19][With Praj~naa] the Six Paaramitaas[20] are ...

    Robert B. Zeuschner


  • The Hsin-Ming Attributed to Niu-Tou Fa-Jung

    prominence during the second half of the 8th century.(19) All these inscriptions and the later ... Paris, 1979. 26. See Tokiwa and Sekino pp. 17-19 (also note 5). 27. The first...

    Henrik H. Sorensen


  • The human body as a boundary symbol:

    conditioned.(19) Dogen argues that the human body is the ground from ...

    Carl Olson


  • The I Ching in the Shinto Thought

    and unspeakable virtues in visible form. They are symbols. [19] In the ancient past, we did not ...

    Wai-ming Ng


  • The I-ching[a] and the Formation of the Hua-yen[b] Philosophy

    deluded mind.[19] According to the historic Hui-yuan, followed here by the "pseudo-Hui-yuan", ...

    Whalen Lai

