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  • Chinese Buddhist causation theories

    came after as a consequence. For all practical purposes, the Chinese knew of ...of the Western mechanical model of "A as the cause produces B as the effect," the ...

    Whalen Lai


  • buddhist perspectives with particular reference to the theravada tradition

    ·期刊原文 Death as threat, death as achievement:buddhist perspectives with particular reference to ...grapple with various aspects of our daily existence. Death, from this point of view, confronts us as a ...

    Frank E. Reynolds


  • Determining which Jaina Philosopher was the object of criticisms

    Dharmakīrti discusses the nature of example in inference as a pretext for denying the omniscience or...that the Buddha should be seen as the standard for human beings to follow and as a reliable person (...

    Fujinaga Sin


  • Direct Sensory Awareness: A Tibetan View and a Medieval Counterpart

    would appear to have as much point as an inquiry into the teeth of a crow. [1] And since, until recently...tshab also cites such an investigation as wholly devoid of purpose, "rog gi so tog pa ltar dgos pa cung...

    A. Charlene McDermott


  • Buddhist Doctrines of Momentariness and Subjective Idealism

    p. 31 There is a difference of opinion among scholars as regards the exact significance of such Nyaya-sutras as are supposed to refer to ...



  • Encounter with the Imagined Other: A Yogacara-Buddhist Critique

    the other as other: as other than I and as other than itself. I can answer the threat of the other as other (than I) only by transforming it into another (than...

    Chen-Kuo Lin


  • Ethics and Politics in the Early Nishida: Reconsidering Zen no Kenkyū

    writings of the key members of this school, such as Nishida Kitarō (1870-1945), Tanabe Hajime (1885-1962)...simply bad scholarship to treat them as representative of the political thought of a major ...

    Christopher S. Jones


  • Human insufficiency in Shinran and Kierkegaard

    in how both offer theistic viewsemphasising faith and grace that see the person as radically ... earlier Pure Land emphasison the egoistic passions in each person, as well as his own experience ...

    Joel R. Smith


  • Li Chun-Fus theory of Harmonization of the three teachings

    Teachings-Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism-has long been recognized by Japanese scholars such as Takao ...position as Ch'un-Fu has been better known as a defender of Buddism and this for three reasons.First...

    Bartholomew P.M TSUI


  • Images of Chinese Buddhism by Marsha Weidner

    Wolfflin's student, dismissed literati painting from the 14th to the 18th centuries as "...of landscape as an escapist mental universe in the form of dry abstraction, ...

    Wang Eugene Yuejin

