Previous discussions of deconstruction and Buddhism ...Derrida and Buddhism will have two emphases.(3) First, my engagement with Derrida will be...
Toby Avard Foshay
3] Like much of Buddhism, this Sutra sometimes disdains seeking answers to difficult metaphysical ...substantial or independent reality. But, in East Asian Buddhism at least, this basic conviction ...
Reeves, Gene
illustration in Chinese, Korean and Japanese manifestations
of Hua-yen Buddhism for which the ...First Ancestral Teacher of Chinese Hua-yen Buddhism,
the interpenetration of li(b) and shih(c), ...
Steven W. Laycock
traditions, such as Zen Buddhism and Sufism, which have developed a deeper understanding of the ... ourselves, we must, following Ornstein, use and see both modes as complementary.
Buddhism was,...
John A. Schumacher and Robert
really are.
The only word recognized in Buddhism as meaning anything like 'Buddhism' is dharma...reality. In Buddhism, dharma became the teaching, the doctrine, the bedrock of knowledge, the way ...
Ian W. Mabbett
scriptural traditions of Buddhism to which he might have alluded. Now, in this last essay of ninety-nine ...Mahaayaana, [g] The Record of Lin-ch'i; [h] to representatives of Pure Land Buddhism such as Shan-tao ...
David A. Dilworth
centripetal tendencies. Strictly speaking, Buddhism has nothing like what Saint Paul refers to as the "folly... Philosophy has served Buddhism as an inner principle of religion, not as an outside critic... That ...
James W. Heisig
Buddhism, as the latter is
represented or articulated by Keiji Nishitani. The
...central both
to Heidegger's philosophy and to Zen Buddhism: the
theme of ...
Fred Dallmayr
Buddhism is basically Buddhistic as well as basically Taoistic and both Buddhism and Taoism identify the ...Mahayana Buddhistic and Taoistic spirits as foundations of Zen Buddhism, but instead will assume ...
Chung-Ying Cheng
Judaism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Naturally I was asked to speak from a Confucian ...Buddhism, Taoism, including various kinds of superstitions, etc.
p. 198
Naturally, as a ...
Liu, Shu-hsien