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  • The concept of the Absolute in Chan Buddhism

    Court Canon(19)]. This may lead some scholars to suspect that this concept may be...

    Yun-hun Jan


  • A philosophical investigation

    of all mentaland physical states. (1964, p. 19) The 'Life-principle' (Jiva) and the 'mortal body' (...

    Yun-hun Jan


  • The mind-only teaching of Ching-ying Hui-Yuan

    or even more aspects.(19) However, influenced by the La^nkaavataara-suutra, Hui-...

    Ming-Wood Liu


  • The Mirror And the Source

    Note 19 "Guest" and "host" are used in the Ts'ao-tung sect ofCh'an Buddhism. With the "five ...study as well as for the enjoyment P.19 of nature, its physical form ...

    Dusan Pajin


  • The Mythico-Ritual Syntax of Omnipotence

    depersonalized this individual, purging him of all independent motivations. [19] As Sanderson ...

    Lawrence, David


  • The nature and status of moral behavior

    is the Hiinayaana interpretation. [19] This illusory character of Kle`sas (that is, greed, hatred, ...

    Richard Hubert Jones


  • The Neo-Confucian Confrontation with Buddhism:

    principles areempty."(19) Chu Hsi's metaphysical criticisms of the Buddhistidea of Emptiness ...535-536.45. Ch'eng-shih i-shu, p. 289.46. Chu-tzu ch'uan-shu, 60/17a-19a.47. For the concept of "moral...

    Edward T. Chien


  • The Non-Logical Character of Zen

    Buddha."[19] He disliked the term "Zen sect."[20] He claimed to convey the right path of the Buddhist ...

    Hajime Nakamura


  • Klesa and Its Bearing On the Yoga Analysis of Mind

    in Saankhya. The Yoga-bhasya 2/19 lists it: .sa.s.tha`scaavi`se.sah asmitaamaatra. As a tattva it ...

    Anindita N. Balsev


  • The Ontological Foundation in Tetsuro Watsujis Philosophy

    structure of the question itself. This ego can no longer claim to be the valid center of existence. [19] ...

    Isamu, Nagami

