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  • Language and Logic in the Lotus Sutra

    it, live on yet for a kalpa, or for that portion of the kalpa which has yet to run.[21]     p.75...New York Times, August 21, 1999, A15. Stcherbatsky, Th. The Central Conception of Buddhism ...

    Sandra A. Wawrytko


  • The Rejection of Humor in Western Thought

    this upon the mind.[21] The enjoyment of humor, according to Kant, is primarily a physical pleasure ...

    John Morreall


  • The Religion of the Market

    barrage of 21,000 television commercials, a million magazine advertising pages, 14 billion mail-order ...

    David Loy


  • The Religious Character of the Confucian Tradition

    21] Some people can be religious or nonreligious, but if they are religious their capacity to be ...

    Rodney L. Taylor


  • The Roots of Zen Buddhism

    absolute reality."[21] Emptiness, viewed from the standpoint of the ultimate truth, must stand for a ...

    Hsueh-Li Cheng


  • The Royal Patrons of the University of Nalanda

    Rajatarangini, I, p.19-21 (Trans. by Dutt). p. 9 probably ... p. 21 by him, will not, I think, be out of place. Certainly ...

    H. Heras, S.J., M.A.


  • The rationalist tendency in modern Buddhist scholarship

    he abstains from rejecting or denying the teachings given by the Tathagata, profound as they are.21 ...neyartham. jnanam pratisaranam na vijnanam. [back] 20 - Lamotte 1985, p. 18. [back] 21- Cited from ...

    Sungtaek Cho


  • The Saddharmapu.n.dariika and Suunyataa Thought

    Tao-hsing, 441, a28 ff.; Sanskrit text, 89, 21-27). This kind of bodhisattva not only does not want to...to the dharma of emptiness" (Chêng fa-hua, 73, c21-23). I have discarded all of my mistaken views ...

    Kajiyama, Yuichi


  • Primitive Buddhist Texts

    North-West of India: "Nagasena is only a name, since no person is found". [21] The king...translated later into Pali. [21] Milinda I (25). Translation of the Trenckner edition by Horner, ...

    Davids. T. W. Rhys


  • The Self in Medival Japanese Buddhism

    21) It is evident from this passage that Dogen regarded `Saakyamuni as ... 51, "Menju," etc. 20 - "Bendowa." 21 - "Eihei Gen Zenji goroku." 22 - "...

    Kiyotaka Kimura

