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  • The Spiritual Origins of the West: A Lack Perspective

    prohibited lay investiture of clergy), 21 were nominated by emperors and 5 were forcibly retired by...and salvation." [21] Again, we may have forgotten what originally motivated us, but we have not ...

    David Loy


  • The structure of consciousness in purpoyted trilogy

    constitutes ignorance to the structure of consciousness that is pure wisdom.[21]   Technically ...

    Diana Y. Paul


  • The Study of Buddhism

    explanation ready with-     p.21 out a careful study of all available material. First and foremost ...especially to the history of Buddhism, as has recently been underlined by Eliade.[21] Educated in the ...

    J. W. de Jong, Canberra


  • A Study of Tao Yuan-ming’s Nature Poetry

    our lives to find… [21] p. 108 Unlike Wordsworth, T'ao Yuan-ming did not seem to have to "...

    Angela Jung Palandri


  • Buddhist just rule and Burmese national culture

    Marasinghe, pp. 185-98. (21) According to the stock Nikaya formula (e.g., D 1:73), by ...fourth of a mahakappa). Abhidh-s 23 (chap. 5, verse 21) states that there is no ...

    Juliane Schober


  • The Tradition about the Corporal Relics of Buddha

    line 21 ff., and Hiuen-tsiang, in Beal, Racords, 2. 129 f. Fa-hian says (Beal, ...obtained; at Bharaut; see Cunningham's Stupa of Bharhut, plate 21, right. And a basrelief ...

    J. F. FLEET


  • The Translation of the Term Samskara

    stopped by the practitionner. (註21) Thus the translation of samskara as samsara in early Chinese Buddhist...) T. 25, p.53b ;淫為癡,瞋恚為生死,精疑為識 (註 21) T. 25, 53b ;不識生死故為識,道人欲斷,thereis mind [識]due to ignorance ...

    Ven. Hsing-kong


  • Shinrans Response to Tendai

    Buddha, and Suchness,are all one with no distinction.(21) Shinran holds to theFour Vehicle ...

    Alfred Bloom


  • The Ultimate Ground of Buddhist Purification

    by the others whose mind, on account of right knowledge, reposes no-where (aprati.s.thita)."[21] ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • The Understanding of Karma in Early Chan Buddhism

    -hsin ming. [21] In addition, the Hsin-hsin ming does not mention karma or transmigration, but ...

    Robert Zeuschner

