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  • Tracking the discontinuity of perception

    of thought. [21] It is evident why the technique of concentration is liable to abuse and ...

    David Appelbaum and Ingrid Tur


  • Traditional definitions of the term dhamma

    means in the face of the knowledge of the Buddha, the Bhagavan."(21) The ...

    John Ross Carter


  • Transformation of Buddhism in China

    answered, "Rice, wheat, and bean," it is not as silly as one may think.[21] An alert mind will ...

    Wing-Tsit Chan


  • Transformations of `emptiness

    ofthe Buddha?(n21) Here, then, in both Hua-Yen and T'ien T' ai was a clear, positiveappreciation of ...

    Gregory K. Ornatowski


  • Transmetaphysical thinking in Heidegger and Zen Buddhism

    Harris, Dasein is "a relation, a gap, an in-between." [21] Dasein, thus, is the heart of the ...

    John Steffney


  • Truth and Zen

    I, Q. 21, Art. 2): Truth consists in the equation of mind and thing.... Now the ...

    T. P. Kasulis


  • Tsung-mis questions regarding the Confucian absolute

    the humble....(21) Again, if these statements are taken for granted, then problems ...

    Yun-hua Jan


  • Two Main Streams of Thought in Yogacara Philosophy

    naana but is the same as vij~naana itself. Therefore, Vasubandhu stated in the 21st kaarikaa that ...

    Yoshifumi Ueda


  • Two Traditions of India -- Truth and Silence

    for the person to verbalize this fact; and so this is a verbal truth that is superior to silence. [21]...Not This'," Philosophy East and West, 21, no. 4 (Oct., 1961): 99-114. 28. History of lndian ...

    Alex Wayman


  • Two types of saving knowledge in the Paali suttas

    touches; mental consciousness arises because of mind and mental objects.(21) The ...

    Donald K. Swearer

