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  • Understanding Naagaarjunas Catuskoti

    saasana.m. (MK XVIII.8) This verse has been variously translated, [21] but I will here use the form, ...negated in the Kaarikaa when we consider in conjunction the verses 21, 25, and 28 of its last chapter. ...

    R. D. Gunaratne


  • Uses of Dialogues and Moral Understanding

    nothing, responding but not storing. Therefore he can win out over things and not hurt himself. "[21] ... on the Structure of Confucian Ethics', Philosophy East and West 21 (1971) 125-40; and 'Reasonable ...

    Cua, A. S.


  • Vasubandhus Treatise on the Three Natures translated from

    10-21 develop a dialectically complex and elegant discussion of...independently given noumenon.(21) 9. The first, because it itself ripens, Is the root ...

    Garfield, Jay L


  • Vietnamese mode of self-reference

    Bedeutung, [21] or again, as TylerBurge would have it, between the `sense' of the indexical and its(...

    Steven W. Laycock


  • Vijnaptimatrata and the Abhidharma

    matter which is not-manifested inconsciousness', is matter (rupa) of the highest subtlety [21]. It ...Philosophy in the Light of theFour Noble Truths (Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass), pp. 35-37. [21] mid., p.36. [...

    King, Richard


  • A Pre-Buddhist Meditation System and its Early Modifications

    , PTS , 1978, p. 21) and the Abhidharma- Koshabhasya of Vsubandhu ...the third jhana.( 注 21) The Parama-ditthadhamma-nibbanavadins believed ...

    Biswadeb Mukherjee


  • A Review of Metaphysics: East & West

    the 20thcentury and will soon enter the 21st century, it might be agood idea to review the ...

    Kenneth K. Inada


  • Was Early Buddhism Influenced by the Upanisads?

    ·期刊原文Was Early Buddhism Influenced by the Upani.sads?By Pratap ChandraPhilosophy East and WestVol. 21, No. 3 (July 1971)pp. 317-324Copyright 1971 by University of Hawaii PressHawaii, USA -----------...

    Pratap Chandra


  • Wei-wu-wei: Nondual action

    men are seldom wholly governed by logic. [21] I think that the problem is rather that, because Creel...

    David Loy


  • Where text meets flesh

    in a Korean monastery.(21) Chinese and Korean monks and nuns may also be questioned on ...

    James A. Benn

