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  • Names, Actualities, and The Emergence

    carpenter's square shows it in the rough (?). [17] Graham maintains that if Liu's identification is ...

    John Makeham


  • Necssity and sufficiency in the Buddhas causal schema

    that perceiving inevitably leads to obsessions. (17) Similarly, passages such as ...

    Jeffrey D.Watts


  • Neo-Confucianism and Chinese Scientific Thought

    unity, and are humble.[17] The Tao-te ching is opposed not to any particular economic or political ..._________________________________ 21. Ibid., 7/20. 22. Ibid., 17/9. 23. The Great ...

    Wing-Tsit Chan


  • New Sanskrit Fragments of the Saddharmapu.n.dariikasuutra

    time, I received Manuscripts from the Himalayas and the Indian Subcontinent, Catalogue 17, from Sam ...and the Indian Subcontinent Catalogue 17, London, 1996, pp. 46-49, item no. 39. 7. Mr. Schoyen ...

    Matsuda, Kazunobu


  • Nirvana Is Nameless

    silent at Vaisali; [17] Subhuti taught the doctrine of no-words; and Sakra, the King of the Gods, heard...

    Chang Chung-Yuan


  • The Logic of Place and a Religious World-view

    Hegelian sense. [17] For the Middle Path repudiates ---------------------------------------------------...

    David A. Dilworth


  • Nondual Thinking

    but wrongly interpreted"). [17] The usual function of memory as superimposition is to interpret the ...

    David Loy


  • Notes on the Language of the Dvavimsatya

    rudraah. (b) Adjectival copulatives are freely used (17), e.g. ...

    R. L. TURNER


  • Old Buddhist Shrines at Bodh-Gaya Inscriptions

    Inscriptions, note on Sirima devata.] C. No. 17 [... royal personage. p. 17 IV. That on the Diamond...

    B.M. Barua


  • On being mindless

    conceptualization only to another moment of conceptualization, and so forth.(17) We do ...

    Paul Griffiths

