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  • Schopenauer And Buddhism

    doctrine"(17)--undoubtedly the doctrine of the metaphysical aalaya consciousness of ...

    Peter Abelson


  • Self-reflection in the Sanlun Tradition

    on other texts or traditions.[17] Given the ostensible though fundamental reluctance on the part of ...42] On the fourth level, all of the distinctions made on the previous     p.17 three ...

    Alan Fox


  • Seng-Chao And The Maadhyamika Way of Refutation

    are bound to one period of time. How can there be anything which goes and comes?"(17) Seng-...



  • Sinitic speculations on buddha-nature

    more of native Taoist psychology and ontology than things immediately Indian.(17) ...

    Whalen Lai


  • Skepticism and Indian philosophy

    mist before our eyes and impose upon our understandings. [17] Skepticism is out of place if no ...

    Dipankar Chatterjee


  • Skill-in-means and the Buddhism of Tao-sheng

    the One vehicle is explained in three ways."(17) It is certain the that same "...Paul, 1951), p. 184. 12. To tsang ching, series 1, 17, p. 7073; ...

    David C. Yu


  • Some aspects of the free-will question in the Nikaayas

    develop this evenmindedness, I would become dispassionate."(17) The text goes on ...

    Luis O. Gomez


  • Some impressions of the Buddha

    at the spring-time....[17] Immediately after the first Light of Asia selection is a second one ...[1900] New York, 1960,134. [17] Sir Edwin Arnold, The Light of Asia (London, 1911), I, 12, 13....

    Douglas C, Stenerson


  • Some Buddhist Responses to New-Confucianism

    to cut off his afflictions.(17) As if he intended it to be a direct response to Ch'eng I'...

    Richard H. Robinson


  • Some Prollems in Interpretation

    Kiyomizu Hideo, as giving greater weight to the twelve-fascicle edition.(17) This group...

    David Putney

