is a single endlessness. So I say, the best thing to use is clarity. [17]
To use Chuang Tzu's term...
Hsin-sheng C. Kao
might be the next victim, and meet with the same fate that had happened to Tibet.[17] In such a ...17 Dutt, N., Early Monastic Buddhism, Calautta: Calcutta Oriental Book Agency, 1941, pp. 109-114.
W. Pachow
reveal the folly of the people and to awaken piety, [17] the Zen master becomes a clown and behaves or ...Shui-lao re-
p. 17
plied, "Since the master kicked me, I have not been able to stop laughing....
M. Conrad Hyers
relation between a name and its spatial-temporal bearer teacheable?"(17) "The word ...
Ewing Y. Chinn
of the Nyayapravesa.
p. 17
they had no version ...
A. Berriedale Keith
for all sentient beings,(16) who performs various acts of merit,(17) and who receives a...Nikaaya 1:17, 92, 114, 163, 240; 2:93, 211; 3:157; Anguttara Nikaaya 3:240; 4:302, ...
Jeffrey Samuels
Great Britain and Ireland, July 17th, 1910.
p. 270
Edmund J. Mills
remains."(17) If this causal pattern is said to exist
... 12. S ii.18; Taisho i.76a;ii.81a,86a-c.
13. S ii.17; Taisho ii.85c.
14. D i.156...
David J. Kalupahana
speaks of the "conceiving state of mind."(17) If that were the case, in the Buddhist ...
David J. Kalupahana
bowls (as in Lalita Vistara, ch. 24, p. 387, 1.3; Jataka, vol. i, p. 393, II. 17, 25; p. 400,...
Hoernle, Rudolf.