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  • Ching-hua Yuan and Lao-Chuang Thought

    is a single endlessness. So I say, the best thing to use is clarity. [17] To use Chuang Tzu's term...

    Hsin-sheng C. Kao


  • Buddhism and the ChangingSociety in Modern Ceylon

    might be the next victim, and meet with the same fate that had happened to Tibet.[17] In such a ...17 Dutt, N., Early Monastic Buddhism, Calautta: Calcutta Oriental Book Agency, 1941, pp. 109-114. ...

    W. Pachow


  • The Ancient Zen Master as Clown-Figure and Comic Midwife

    reveal the folly of the people and to awaken piety, [17] the Zen master becomes a clown and behaves or ...Shui-lao re- p. 17 plied, "Since the master kicked me, I have not been able to stop laughing....

    M. Conrad Hyers


  • The Anti-abstraction of Dignaaga and Berkeley

    relation between a name and its spatial-temporal bearer teacheable?"(17) "The word ...

    Ewing Y. Chinn


  • TheAuthorship of Nyayapravesa

    of the Nyayapravesa. p. 17 they had no version ...

    A. Berriedale Keith


  • The Bodhisattva Ideal in Theravaad

    for all sentient beings,(16) who performs various acts of merit,(17) and who receives a...Nikaaya 1:17, 92, 114, 163, 240; 2:93, 211; 3:157; Anguttara Nikaaya 3:240; 4:302, ...

    Jeffrey Samuels


  • The Buddhism in Heraclitus

    Great Britain and Ireland, July 17th, 1910. p. 270 ...

    Edmund J. Mills


  • The Buddhist conception of time and temporality

    remains."(17) If this causal pattern is said to exist p.183 ... 12. S ii.18; Taisho i.76a;ii.81a,86a-c. 13. S ii.17; Taisho ii.85c. 14. D i.156...

    David J. Kalupahana


  • The Buddhist conceptions of subject and obejct

    speaks of the "conceiving state of mind."(17) If that were the case, in the Buddhist ...

    David J. Kalupahana


  • The Buddhist Monastic Terms Amatittika

    bowls (as in Lalita Vistara, ch. 24, p. 387, 1.3; Jataka, vol. i, p. 393, II. 17, 25; p. 400,...

    Hoernle, Rudolf.

