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  • Remembering Wing-tsit Chan

    China itself, Wing-tsit Chan played a crucial role in transplanting it to the West. In a variety of ...

    Bloom, Irene


  • Reviews the book The Buddhist Priest Myoe

    impact and magnitude of Myoe's experience.As for the translation itself, Mark Unno has ...

    Kawai Hayao


  • Nguyen Cochinchina: Southern Vietnam

    of being Vietnamese." Not only is this new way of interest in itself, as she shows, but it also ...

    Li Tana


  • Some Ancient Remains from Bhubaneswar

    itself is full of temples dating from the 8th century onwards; but nothing of ...

    Nirmalkumar Basu, M. Sc.


  • The architecture of Bhutan

    though this is restrained by government policy. Until the late 1950s, Bhutan kept itself...

    David Nock


  • An introduction to Early Indian Madhyamika

    meaning, as dependent origination andemptiness, is itself the illusory, conventional ...

    C. W. Huntington, Jr.


  • The Social Self in Zen and American Pragmatism

    of no-self(muga)  that has consistently proven itself to provide thefoundation for a responsible ...

    Barry D. Steben


  • 启明法师:圆融就是和平

    itself; no real world peace would be possible unless human beings could expand their mental ...

    启 明


  • Japanese Buddhism in America

    taking place within the Japanese American community itself. As the first generation (issei) gave way to ...

    Dr. Stephen G. Covel


  • Buddhism and Spiritual Environmental

    itself to environmental protection, by putting emphasis not only on ecosystem protection, but also on ...

    UK---She Chain Leo N

