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  • Paradoxical Logic

    culture to culture: Just as most people assume that their language is "natural" and that other ...what one might call paradoxical logic, which assumes that A and non-A do not exclude each other as ...

    Perry, John


  • buddhism and environmental protection

    who lived in India approximately 2,500 years ago can be identified as the first environmentalist who ...frequently shedding their political differences to discuss environmental issues such as global warming. ...

    Venerable B. Chandim


  • Book Review Imagining Karma: Ethical Transformation

    structure of kinship, and empirical materials from a goodnumber of cultures are presented as transformations of the model. Since the approach is primarily structuralist, the transformations are seen more as ...

    Gananath Obeyesekere


  • The true dharma doctrine and the bodhisattva ideal

    stands out as one of the most eminent San-lun(1) scholars in Chinese Buddhism during...exegetical writings,(2) the Sheng-man pao-k'u(a) is, as its title indicates, a ...

    Aaron K. Koseki



    critique, in, as Magliola puts it, its capacity to move freely between logocentric ...characterization of that tradition as ontotheology.(5) Negative theology is the scene of an...

    Toby Avard Foshay


  • Early Buddhism and John Stuart Mills thinking

    I Europe came to know of Buddhism as a distinct system in the nineteenth ...confined to that sphere (as is the case, by and large, with comparisons involving the ...

    Vijitha Rajapakse


  • Language Against Its Own Mystifications

    It is this which sees everywhere deed and doer; this which believes in will as cause in general; this which believes in the 'ego,' in the ego as being, in the ego and substance, and which projects its ...

    David R. Loy


  • New Sanskrit Fragments of the Saddharmapu.n.dariikasuutra

    Asia. These documents had a great impact on the development in Buddhist studies in later years, as the...birch bark and some paper manuscripts at stupa ruins in Gilgit, Kashmir, in 1931, as the last major ...

    Matsuda, Kazunobu


  • Nishidas Early Pantheistic Voluntarism

    formal academic career as professor of philosophy at Kyoto Imperial University began approximately ...career from his fortieth through fifty-seventh years, during which he emerged as the leading philosopher ...

    Dilworth, David


  • Rationality, Argumentation and Embarrassment

    examples (a) and (b): (1) Regarding them as a subject/predicate form of statement, what is in ... have taken upon themselves the task of explaining them, the question being as to how it is that ...

    V. K. Bharadwaja

