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  • Swedenborg: Buddha of the North.

    brief and incidental references to him in later works? He finds the answers in Suzuki's biographical and historical context. Suzuki must have been exposed to Swedenborg's thought during his years in ...

    D. T. Suzuki



    The epistemological thinkers in India have generally adopted a causal approach to knowledge. Knowledge is taken to be an occurrence, an outcome of a particular causal complex (Karana samagri) in ...



  • Chang Tsais Theory of Mind and Its Metaphysical Basis [*]

    mainly with the ways of spiritual cultivation in order to become a sage or a worthy. As for Chou's "...commentary. The Cheng-meng [4] of Chang Tsai, on the other hand, is a book that seeks consciously to ...

    Tang Chun-I [1]


  • Suzuki Daisetz as Regional Ontologist: Critical

    representative modern Japanese philos­ophical works in translation. This series has helped to introduce ...Nakamura Hajime. The name of Suzuki Daisetz has been recently added to this .list through the publication ...

    Dilworth, David A.


  • Neo-Confucianism and Chinese Scientific Thought

    science in relation to Chinese thought, the question of the reason China has not developed natural science, the question as to whether Neo-Confucianism, especially, is consonant with modern scientific ...

    Wing-Tsit Chan


  • Perspectives in the Study of Chinese Buddhism [1]

    express my gratitude to the Royal Asiatic Society for its decision to institute this lecture in ...person to be remembered both as a man and as a scholar. I shall not speak about his human qualities, for...

    E. Zurcher


  • The Buddhistic Rule Against Eating Meat

    it was immoral to take life, wicked to eat meat and connive at butchery," it is now the custom for Burmese Buddhists to do as they like in regard to eating ("Every one ...

    E. Washburn Hopkins


  • Transformation of Buddhism in China

    strongly established there. Confucianism had enjoyed supremacy for over a hundred years. The movement to...described as humanistic. It is often thought of as opposing Nature to man. Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu both ...

    Wing-Tsit Chan


  • Zen and Pragmatism--A Reply (Comment and Disussion)

    my Zen articles, but at the same time I was thankful for having incited him to ...trouble in understanding Zen, In the following I will try to give--in brief-as ...



  • Zen And Taoism Common And Uncommon Grounds

    and exploratory in nature. I cannot obviously dojustice to such a multi- faceted subject in a single essay. Ishould therefore like to present in basic outline a frameworkin which Zen and Taoism can ...

    Kenneth Inada

