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  • The Indigenous Religion

    ·期刊原文The Indigenous Religion and Theravada Buddhism in Ban Da Tiu:A Dai Lue Village in Yunnan, ...based on fieldwork and written in English, by scholars from the People's Republic of ...

    Anthony R. Walker


  • Japanese Buddhism in America

    support and the onslaught of modern and western views on religion. At the same time, Japanese were traveling to the United States to work in Hawai’i and California. This was a moment of monumental ...

    Dr. Stephen G. Covel


  • Buddhist spiritualitya compassionate perspective on hospice care

    of Buddhist philosophy, whichis based on notions of compassion and wisdom, a willingness to serve,tolerance, a duty to do no harm, and the significance of death, shares acommonality with hospice ...

    Pam McGrath


  • The Religion of the Market

    religion as what most fundamentally grounds us by teaching us what the world is, and what our role ...and less; and that is because this function is being supplanted -- or overwhelmed -- by other belief-...

    David Loy


  • 薪火相传 众缘和合 守正出新——浅谈当代汉文大藏经整理传译之方向

    我们自己群体解决,我们的路子会越来越广,前途光明无限。 Pass the Flame, Adhere to the Truth and Innovate Upon the Ways of ...Propagation and Translation of the Chinese Buddhist Tripitaka in Modern Times Rev. Yanzang Abstract:...



  • Buddhist Music Comes West

    flourishes here in the Americas and Europe. So you might say that we in the West are still in our ...surrounded by orchards of walnuts, pears and grapevines. They are mostly hybrids, the results of ...

    Heng Sure, PhD


  • Buddhist economics

    conflict between religiousvalues and economic progress. Spiritual health and material well-being arenot enemies: they are natural allies."[1] Or: "We can blend successfullythe religious and spiritual values...

    E.F. Schumacher


  • Medieval Japanese Society

    by Marius Jansen and James McClain fill out a field that already included well-regarded volumes by Peter Duus and Kenneth Pyle, among others. These books are as suitable for the classroom as for the ...

    Pierre Francois Souyri,


  • The History of Buddhist Architecture in Sri Lanka

    monumentscan be studied and dated from three sources. The Mahawansa agreat chronical gives an account of ...buildings themselves and their construction anddevelopment. The second source is Epigraphical, ...



  • Can Corporations Become Enlightened?

    dominion over the sustaining of our lives. They have become sovereign citizens and we have become consumers. They concentrate power and wealth. They design and shape our society and world. They carve our ...

    David Loy

