such as trading in arms, intoxicants, slaves, or animals; or being a soldier. Lay people ...harmful speech, sexual misconduct, and misuse of drugs) and try to avoid violence as ...
Rothberg, Donald
was looked upon as residing in or made of the Bodies. Later, or by parallel development, ... the dogma under examination, as it is too intimately connected with Buddhist ...
Louis De La Vallee Poussin, M,
to be amalgamated and absorbed into one another, the importance of Ch'an increased; and as it became...hold right up to the present day. In the West as well, partly because of the writings of D. T. Suzuki ...
Carl Bielefeldt and Lewis Lanc
are placed in parentheses.) This paper is not concerned with the Maadhyamika as mystical or religious experience, but only as philosophy in the technical meaning of the Western world today.
p. 118...
Panikkar, Raymond
distinguished experts in the field of Chinese thought as Mou Tsang-san(b) and Cheng ...Leibniz' overtly affirmative metaphysics, which declares that the world as we have it, ...
Ming-wood Liu
those implicit in the behaviorist theory of language, and the theory of mind as epiphenomenon to ... utterances, of all speakers, and at all times, at least, as far as we have historical access to ...
David Drake
SutraAccording to the theory of Tiantai sect distinguishing "five periods and eight doctrines,"[1] as we ...centuries after the entry of the Buddha to nirvana. The expression of "great vehicle as not spoken ...
He Jingsong
contradiction" can also be seen as an opportunity for us to deepen our own understanding of ...one another". As far as conflicts between humans are concerned,however, it is possible that the ...
John Magnus Michelsen
His "New Rationalism" may be seen as anattempt to use western pragmatism to resolve ...Mysterious Learning"(d)then popular. During the Han Dynasty, Buddhism was often seen as on ...
Tang Yi-Jie
ethical theory.
Buddhism is often criticized as a religion that, being mainly concernedwith personal ...Buddhist hermeneutics for the poor. If greed is understood not justin individual terms but also as a built-...
Tavivat, Puntarigvivat