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  • 浅谈龙门石窟与环境

    ’ research results, also hopes that our readers actively participate in this discussion.   Prepared...



  • 导师的话:研究佛法的立场与方法

    our times. I don't care about this when I am writing. It is fine with me if someone is reading these ...fit our present, modern times better but some one would prefer to keep silent about since they are ...



  • “一苇渡江”与“吃肉边菜”-- 两个著名禅宗故事的历史探究

    warning that: “In case we did not enstrenghten our defence along the coast of the Yangzi now, probably our enemy would easily sailing across the river by aboarding on a stalk of reed to come to attack....



  • 由尼柯耶论乔达摩成佛之道

    attainment of the first jhāna. In course of our discussion it would become clear that both the versions ...utmost importance for our study. They have translated the last part of the account as follows: “He ...



  • 出世与入世的生命实践─佛光山僧众的生命经验

    realize quality of life is the quality of our soul and from the realization and practice of work ...selflessness and having the success of the organization as their mission in life.  Next part of our ...



  • 佛法与生态哲学

    生态危机的历史根源)(The Historical Root of Our Ecologic Crisis)。在这篇文章中,他批评西方宗教思想中“人辖制自然”的观念,认为这是西方生态危机的始作俑者。他...of Our Ecologic Crisis, P.106.  6. Naess, "The Shallow and the Deep, Long-Range Ecology Movement", ...



  • A European Buddhism

    expect the development of a "European Buddhism"? Our purpose will be to explore what Nietzsche meant ... a constant vigilance over all aspects of our involve- p. 151 ment with life was prescribed as ...

    A. M. Frazier


  • The Oriental Religious and American Thought: Nineteenth-Century Explorations

    picture we have now in the growing literature more complete. Firstly, works bringing our knowledge of ...practice of Buddhism by Westerners is not explored by any of our authors, but it is complex and far-...

    Carl T. Jackson. Westport


  • A note on the early Buddhist theory of truth

    of as an enduring physical object. That a fire was formerly present to our senses...made here: nowhere p.496 in our experience ...

    Mark Siderits


  • A preliminary survey of some early Buddhist manuscripts recently

    that there were few if any Vinaya manuscripts in our hypothetical complete monastic ...composed during or after the reign of Jihonika, but not necessarily that our actual ...

    Richard Salomon

