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  • Buddhist Faith and Sudden Enlightedment

    Asian scholarship. A study of faith in Zen and also in the larger Mahaayaana tradition is not all ...evaluates this book in terms of its significance for the study of the phenomenon of Zen, Mahaayaana ...

    Park, Sung Bae


  • Dimensions of Indian Buddhism

    specific scientific methods to the study of religion both in the West and in the East, a picture of...itself will be their Master."     p.A13 [20]. This clearly shows, that any doctrinal study must ...

    Jan Yun Huan


  • Interpersonal Relations And Suicide Ideation In China

    INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS AND SUICIDE IDEATION IN CHINA ABSTRACT. This study is an examination ...that makes your lifemeaningful?" In a U.S. study of interpersonal attraction using people ofvarious ...

    Zhang J; Jin S


  • Passionate Enlightenment: Women in Tantric Buddhism

    GeorgeParabolaVol.19 No.4Pp.92-94Winter 1994COPYRIGHT Society for the Study of Myth and Tradition 1994 ----...evidence of male domination or exploitation of the women involved. Shaw's study is a ...

    Miranda Shaw


  • Suramgamasamadhisutra

    contribution to the critical study of a Mahaayaana Suutra. The original French version by Etienne ... Each recession requires its own study." Lamotte translates the Sutra from the translation of ...

    Etienne Lamotte


  • The Biographical Scripture of King Asoka

    translations of the Chinese Buddhist Canon has remained an obstacle not only for an academic study of the ...John S. Strong as The legend of King Asoka: A Study and Translation of the Asokavadaana. Princeton ...

    Li Rongxi


  • Opportunities and Challenges for Buddhis

    study any subject, anywhere, at any time in this University. Internet There is no ... is also helpful for the Education. Many find it easier to do their self-study courses as they can ...

    Ven. Bhante K. Dhamm


  • 唯识学“转识成智”理论的研究

    Theoretical Study of "Transforming Consciousness and Gaining Wisdom" in Consciousness-only School of ... 【英文摘要】According to the view of Jin Yuelin, "A study of philosophy Wll eventUally reach a stage of ...



  • Death, Honor, and Loyalty: The Bushido Ideal

    events of the age. He began the study of English at age nine and, after several years of study in ...

    G. Cameron Hurst III


  • Brief History of Buddhism in Cambodia

    activity referred to as Dhamma-Vicaya in the Pali Canon) - the principal object of study being ...statements of Buddhism and the methodology of science. But, if we study very carefully the Buddha's ...

    H.H.Tep Vong

