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  • A European Buddhism

    April 1975) pp. 145-160 Copyright 1975 by University of Hawaii Press Hawaii, USA ----------------...Birth of Tragedy, p. 110. p. 160 10. Ibid., p. 52. 11. F. Nietzsche, The Dawn of Day, trans. J....

    A. M. Frazier


  • Avoiding the Void The Lack of Self in Psychotherapy and Buddhism

    is anxiety in the face of standing out from nature and becoming p. 160 Avoiding the Void: The ...

    David R. Loy


  • Buddhism, Modernization, and Science

    (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1966). p. 160 Though sometimes against their own ...

    Nolan Pliny Jacobson


  • Buddhist Education in Pali and Sanskrit Schools

    --- 1. I They are also found ill a sutta (A, ii, 160) which is attributed ...

    E. J. Thomas


  • Buddhist spiritualitya compassionate perspective on hospice care

    psychotherapeutic message(Ross, 1993: 160), moral rather than intellectual purpose (Ward, 1947: 61),and...

    Pam McGrath


  • buddhist perspectives with particular reference to the theravada tradition

    --------------------------   p160 tute phenomenal reality varies from text to text, and ...

    Frank E. Reynolds


  • Response to Graham Parkes Review

    Theravada Buddhism leaves much to be desired. I will cite a few examples. On page 160 she ...

    Robert G. Morrison


  • Reviewrd the book Mantra , edited by Harvey P. Alper

    meaning] or not?" (p. 145, 160 n. 2), or, in Searlian terms,"are mantras speech acts?" Sabara sets up ...

    Kohn, Richard J.


  • Studies in the Divyayadana

    p.160 Well, a certain god who was destined to fall rolled ...

    Ware, James R.


  • Ching-hua Yuan and Lao-Chuang Thought

    ) [23] -- p. 160 examine and make light of man's discriminating viewpoints which polarize ...

    Hsin-sheng C. Kao

