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  • Womens Role in Early Buddhism

    life was open to women as fully as to men. In several Theravada Buddhist countries even today some ... What has become of it? Can it be restored? Perhaps this cannot be because, as at least one monk ...

    Cornelia Dimmit


  • The Dharmapada

    as well as outside of it: first in Central Asia and in China, later also in Tibet and South East ...many such texts is a collection of short verses with philosophical or ethical contents, known as The...

    Miroslav Rozehnal


  • The Mirror And the Source

    P.1 "The Chinese garden, considered as a special typeof landscape gardening, may with more reason than most otherparks or gardens be characterized as a work ...

    Dusan Pajin


  • The Problem of Knowledge and the Four Schools

    knowledge of the object as well as the knowledge which is the resultant of the former ...could be no cognition. One is a cogniser only in relation to what is cognised as ...



  • The Study of Buddhism

    as a subsidiary subject by a professor of Sanskrit, Chinese or Mongolian. This becomes obvious when ...indications as to the future perspectives of the study of Buddhism. As is well-known, Buddhism ...

    J. W. de Jong, Canberra


  • A Critical Genealogy of Northern Chan Buddhism

    ------       p.386 Bernard Faure has established himself as the preeminent and most creative...internal dispute between "Southern" and "Northern" schools and its ninth-century emergence as an ...

    Bernard Faure


  • War Surgery Continues In Sri Lanka

    by TamilTigers' militia where central dispensaries and local hospitals have beendestroyed. As Pierre...victims". As early as 1983, MSF sent an exploratory team to the Jaffna peninsular butdecided against...

    Stevenson P


  • Opportunities and Challenges for Buddhis

    . Because of this, the modern world acts as an Open University for all. Wonderful! Anyone, can ... is also helpful for the Education. Many find it easier to do their self-study courses as they can ...

    Ven. Bhante K. Dhamm


  • 柬埔寨近300名年轻信众参加剃度 少于预期人数

    travelled to Muk Kampul district in Kandal province to be ordained as monks and nuns at a 10-day course on ...Buddha, the value of Cambodian culture and social morals. The Phnom Penh Post quotes the association as...



  • 美国Pataskala市Licking镇即将建造一座泰国寺院

    become a center for meditation practicing and teaching as well as a place to conduct religious rites for...


