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  • 印度铁路餐饮和旅游公司开通佛教圣地环游专车

    Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) is introducing a Buddhist Circuit Special Train. It will go ...first taught and Kushinagar, where he attained nirvana. The eight-day tour will also take pilgrims to ...



  • 世界各地佛教徒在婆罗浮屠寺为印尼和平祈福

    Thursday and prayed for peace and a conducive situation in Indonesia. "We came here to pray for peace and welfare, and the speedy restoration of conducive conditions in Indonesia after the trauma of ...



  • 越南北部佛教徒艾滋病防控培训班在河内举行

    provinces are being trained in HIV/AIDS prevention and control at a workshop in the capital. The five-...its impacts on socio-economic development and teaches spiritual counselling techniques for people ...



  • The moral universal

    East and WestVol.31 No.3(July,1978)pp.259-267Copyright by University of Hawaii Press ----------------...it is reduced to biological, psychological, or sociological considerations; and (2) the actual ...

    Tu Wei-ming


  • The Rejection of Humor in Western Thought

    , and then try to show the values of humor lost in this rejection. At the end I shall contrast the ...Buddhism . Most Western thinkers have not written much about humor, and their comments on it are often...

    John Morreall


  • The foundations of ecology in Zen Buddhism

    you yourself, who are the valley streams and mountains, cannot developthe power which illuminates the true reality of the mountains and valleystreams, who else is going to be able to convince you that ...

    Ven. Sunyana Graef


  • Humanistic Buddhism of the 20th Century

    ·期刊原文The Three Treasures and "Humanistic" Buddhism of the 20th CenturyBy Lewis LancasterHsi Lai ...numbered lists in Buddhism is that of the Three Treasures, the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. These...

    Lewis Lancaster


  • Reviews the book `Buddhist Insight:

    thearticles in this collection, published in various journalsbetween 1959 and 1980, deal with non-tantric Buddhism. Editedby George Elder, a former student of Wayman's and nowProfessor at ...

    George R. Elder.


  • 现代社会的众缘和合(英文版)

      The basic difference between the Buddhism and the other Indian religions is the Origin ...society. The Buddhism’s social view is the numerous reasons gathered and its social aim is attaining...

    Deng Zimei


  • How mystical is Buddhism?

    Pp.147-153 Copyright by Asian Philosophy Beyond Language and Reason: Mysticism in ...HumanarumLitterarum 66 Helsiniki, Sumolainen Tiedeakatemia It long has been a commonplace among Western (and ...

    Roger R. Jackson

